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Showing posts from April, 2012

More outfits and Talent Shows

Hello all! I just wanted to get the message out that I shall be posting more often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya. Now you will have more things to be happy about. Also, I have more outfits to show off. Speaking of which, I will be singing " I don't want to show off no more" from the drowsy chaperon at my school talent show white riding my unicycle. Cool huh? Since it is talent show time, I believe that everyone should do it. A little talent goes a long way. Your talent could help someone be inspired or help them heal . There are some comedians in the world that go around in hospitals and make the patients laugh and that's there job. How cool is that! I picked up a toothpick (ewwwwwwwwww)  I made the scarf. All you do is take a t-shirt, cut 12 inches up from the hem and then cut strips and knot!  Thrift store dress  I got the hat from a friend who got it at Macys  How about that  Don't ever wear heals! They hurt.  I match my tie  I made the glove

Earth day Smurf Day

Happy Earth Day! Today my goal is to not use electricity in my room.That means no light, no heat lamp for my gecko (she will be okay, it is really hot today) , no sewing machine(tear) , no fan, and no music. I am also going to hug 10 trees and go to a convention. But what is the point of Earth Day? It is promoting environmental consciousness but shouldn't we be aware everyday?> I think every day should be Earth Day! How about you?

Time Bottle

Time bottles are amazing! after I finish this post I will forever bury it in my back yard. I have a little piece of paper describing what I put in it. You should use a soda bottle/root-beer bottle and put about 10 items in it that is what I did. Don't put any food in! I hope you have a good time.

Exclamation points!

exclamation points, ahh how I love them. They bring emphasis to any sentence and the dot can be changed to a heart or a smiley face. Although they may seem a an alert signal for one, They just mean "pay attention, look how great life is." what do you think of this line of exclamation points? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = celebration

the map of the univerese

Astronomy and Aristotle. These two topics have appeared in my social studies textbook and have became interesting to me. Now, in the spring a numerous amount of constellations are inhabiting the night sky. My favorite are in the summer but in the spring you can still see the big and little dipper. Just take a few minutes after dark to take in the beauty of the universe. The map is above our heads, the human race just can't navigate it yet. I picked up a spork wrapper.

spring cleaning/shadows

Shadows reflect who we are on to a surface only showing the outline of our being. Most people only see the shadow of others and don't bother to really look at the real person. In our world, our shadows are our reputation. Sometimes something happens horribly wrong to your shadow. This will result in a decline of attention. There are many at my school that I don't pay attention to,only their shadow. For my spring cleaning of the soul, I will improve on looking at the person, not their shadow. You can make a spring cleaning resolution too. all you have to do is think of something that you want to 'sweep' out of your being. Once you have one, You have to gather it under your eyes, near your nose. Then, take a big deep breath and release your 'dust'. What happens is amazing. I picked up a piece of paper


Through the archives I search, to bring laughter to all faces. I guess the people who made the signs got a crack out of it too. Except for the owner of the lost weasel............................. don't eat rocks  Notice what hey serve to "vegans" I respect this t-shirt

Strange foods

what the heck! There are some foods out there that are just plain strange. I don't mean eww a bug , you actually eat those strange but whoo, The earth actually bares those fruit strange for example: bitter herb I am happy, a new experience cactus leaves/branches itsiy bitsy squash, big price These look like a hand and are called Buddha's hand I love them all I wouldn't want to eat these berries this looks like throw-up in a bottle

Becoming Vital

What if we were all related? In school we are learning about ecosystems and adaptation. Humans adapt fast. We have coats and air conditioning. If we were removed from Earth, animals and plants would still thrive. Maybe be even more than ever. That is why we must become vital to our ecosystem and planet.  We must give back and remember as Demeter( a Greek goddess) said: without her( happiness) no crops will grow. No trees will bare fruit, no grass will spring while she is gone, an while I morn,the Earth will grow dry and as shriveled and will put forth no green thing. Lets make sure this will never happen. As Persephone said, don't cry, we best be happy while I am here. So take the goddess's advice an always look on the bright side as well as make sure that you have happiness in your pocket.

happy day

Yay,I had a happy day now I will go to bed after swimming, unicycling, playing pig-ball and basketball. All with my friend. I am tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireddddddddddddddd! Goodnight


Sharing is caring, as the phrase goes. I went to a Easter egg hunt with my god sister and got about 50 pieces of candy. I placed them on the ground for others to find. I t was really fun watching little kids pick up my gifts. I usually threw them two or three feet away from the child and BAM, instant happiness. It felt really good. You should try it ! give back to the community that raised you. You have nothing to lose.


Everyone has an immense talent, something he/she was placed in the world for. It may be preforming, or maybe growing trees. What ever it is, it can be put to work for the greater good. Most counties have a community service website which lists many ways to help in your community. If you aren't 18 yet, You can still do something. I f you have a blog like me, You can put a SocialVibe gadget on it as I have. With this, donations can be directly sent to your favorite cause. Another way is to visit your soup kitchen . Even a simple bagging of groceries can guarantee that one less family / person won't  be hungry that day. Another way to help out is to visit your local nursing home. The last few years of your life should be filled with good memories, shouldn't they ?Everyone deserves a chance. If you are wondering what inspired me, I got a book at a used book store. Here is the link:  . It is really funny because one of the authors is named Hannah! I

Vacation time

Swimming, Kayaking, Whales oh my! After visiting a wonderful aquarium , I decided to write a letter to Washington D.C. about our  bodies of water in this country. We should have more laws to protect them and that is why I wrote that letter. You can write a letter too! send it to :   The White House 1600Pennsylvania Avenue,NW Washington, DC 2o500 .   Join me in protecting our oceans, streams, lakes, creeks, ponds, lakes and more! Every letter counts. Toady I picked up a piece of candy.

laughter and weird inventions

Useless Japanese inventions....................oh ya! At a local art museum I bought this amazing book about chindogu, a Japanese art of useless inventions. Go figure. Link: .Link #2  It made me crack up. So far spring break is quite spring breaky. I am hanging out with a bunch of my friends and went to a pond full of mud. My friend and I smeared our legs in mud and hikes all the way home. Many people looked at us and I told them what .They laughed at us. No, they laughed with us. Laughter is the best medicine and I always have a good dose, everyday. I apologize for not noting my trash collection. Any I picked up a wrapper. More collection notes to come.

animal attack!

There was a weird squirrel on our glass door and I though it might be amusing if you saw.

The cave,pictures!

 Bones from those who fell  Cave map  one way of getting down the cave is repeling  Stalagmights and stalagtites  cave"bacon"  amazing cave formation  big cave formation " chocolate milkshake" waterfall cave formation canary!