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Showing posts from June, 2012

60 posts?

Yippee ! I have already written 60 posts! Happy 60th everyone! (This actually my 61st, but whose counting)I just wanted to thank everyone for reading my blog and supporting me. It has been a really great project, and hopefully, this blog will reach 100 posts! In Jewish tradition, they say: may this blog live to be 120 posts. Or 120 years to be specific.

Summer, Not So Many Posts, Bummer!

Because of an extra supercalifragilisticexpialidocious project I am working on, I will not be posting as much as I did in the school year. This exciting project is called....drum roll please...... a book. I am writing a book, so I am devoting most of my blogging time to this purpose. I will still be posting, don't get me wrong, just not as much. I hope that you have as much fun working on your own supercalifragilisticexpialidocious project this summer. All of my love,  Happy Hannah!!!

Sleep Away Camp

Wohoooooooo!  Sleep away camp was terrific! Sleeping away from home is a great experience. You can chose what kind of camp you like, make new friends, and take a break from your siblings. Just saying, siblings are fantastic, but sometimes you need a break once and a while. Sleeping away from home also awakens your senses of what makes you comfortable in different places. It is good to sign up for these camps in February. They won't cost as much, and you are a guaranteed a spot. Have fun and sleep away (from home) P.S Use the friendship bracelet pattern and gain new friends, fast.


Sadly, I will be away at camp for a week so I will be unable to post... But, I wish you the best week of summer, I know mine will be fun.

Friendship Bracelets

Amazing colors of embroidery string take up the wrists of most people and everyone is working on at least one for their favorite person. But, you don't know how to make a friendship bracelet. No fear, Hannah is here! Here is what you do: 1 Take four colored strings the length of your entire arm 2 Tie a knot at the top 3 Take one and make a loop over all of the others 4 Keep doing that until you have made 5 loops 5 Switch colors 6 Give it to a friend

High Low Skirts

The newest fashion: high low skirts! They are supper cute, come in a lot of colors, and very useable! I am a fan of long skirts, but it is a pain to pick them up wherever I go. So, for me these skirts are a lifesaver to fashion. They are a miniskirt and a long skirt combined, what could be better? I am obsessed with these skirts and skirts in general because I don't wear pants. I am proud to say I don't own a pair of jeans. I have been teased millions of times and even told to "Get a life." and "Boy, do I need to take you shopping" But to heck with them! I have an amazing life, and a great sense of style. Levi Stratus* did some great things, but so did  Mary Quant.**  * Inventor of jeans in the gold rush **inventor of miniskirts in 1955 My high low skirt that is mostly high than low:)

The Last Day of School

The last day of school is full of anxiety, stress, final grades, yearbooks, and all in between! I love it so much. In the final minutes of 6th grade, my elective class had the great idea to sing "What Time is It?" from HSM! I got the lyrics on the projector and we say until we had two minutes left. Then we started chanting summer summer summer summer summer.............................When we had one minute left, we chanted louder and  louder  and louder then we had 15 seconds then 10 then 5 then DINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG!!!! School was out!  "What Time is it" video            From my sister Mia's perspective "It is kinda awesome*laugh*and fun because there's not really any school work. The teacher is really nice because she knows us and we are friends. When I am going to the car to get picked up, I am thinking ya, it is summer. My favorite part about the last day of school is that it is a short day; you get to sign yearbooks, and get ready for a three

Men in pink

Who says men don't wear pink? My class sure did: And I give them a round of applause! Yesterday we had Greco-Roman day where we had Olympic Games. Our "standard" or army flag was pink so I decided to bring all of my pink from home. If you can't tell, I am the one in front with the beanie. Most of the guys are wearing pink skirts or dresses! I just had to post. For privacy reasons, I am the only one who you are able to recognize.(But they are all very pretty)  In these Olympic Games, our class was against other classes so we had to work together. In one game, there was extra pressure on us because our teacher hadn't lost in 10 years! Fortunately, we made it 11 years in a row. You see, teamwork is essential in the ways of life. Without it, humans are unable to thrive and even survive. So, if you have a fantastic idea, share it just as you should with all of life.

Prop 29

           Who says you have to be 18 to make a political difference?  I am only 12 and I say yes on Prop 29! This means that I support additional taxes that will go to cancer research and prevention in California. If I say no, then I don't support this extra tax and where it goes. Yes is my opinion because many kids like me won't get as much ex poser to cigarettes and the number of addicts will drop significantly. This means that we will defeat two diseases at once! Cigarette addiction and Cancer . Also, prop 29 means a lot to me because my Momma had cancer. She is fine now, but this prop will help people like her that are or were suffering from this horrid disease.          With a single poke of a hole in your ballot, you can make a difference! If you do smoke, then it will help you become nonaddictive because of the price jump, so why not? Yes on 29!