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Showing posts from July, 2012

Discoveries Where You Least Expect Them

Yesterday  I was swimming in my pool and I turned over in the water so that my back was facing the bottom of the pool and my head was looking at the sun under water. It was amazing to see the sun in this new way. I was also waking downtown and I noticed that every lamp post was dedicated to someone because it had a small plaque at the bottom. Look out for these things! It is fun and exciting to discover . It is especially useful when you are bored. Happy searching!

The Joys of Early Morning Sunshine

Today I went bike riding in our open space a few blocks away. Nothing can wake me up better than a nice  bike ride. Today it was "A beautiful day in the neighborhood" as Mr. Rogers described. The cool morning air rushes through my nostrils while my hair is whipped back and forth. through all of this a sense of serenity escapes me and I feel very content. If my dog Maizy is by me, it makes the experience all the more better. I hope that sometimes you indulge in the joys of early morning sunshine because it is a marvelous way to wake up.

Charlie and the Pixar Factory?

"I got a golden ticket  with a golden ticket, it's a golden day!" It certainly was! I went to Pixar animation studios with my really good friend Justine. (She is going to work there someday, we already planned it. I might work there too doing textiles! ) It was a really great experience similarly related to Charlie and the chocolate factory because usually no one goes. I have some pictures that were approved by our wonderful tour guide Mr.Pilcher. He animated a lot of the movie Brave. I had an amazing time and learned so much. I hope that you enjoy the pictures and have your own magical experiences this summer!  cartwheeling in stonehedge  woody with a kilt  Luxo Ball  Am I Incredible?  the screening room  the tapestry for Brave  Luxo Lamp  inside

My Dream Come True (In Dress Form)

This summer has been full of fun adventures, and there is a whole other month coming up to enjoy. One of my favorite adventures was making this dress. I made it at a wonderful design studio and am so happy to be introduced to it. I love my dress with all my heart and am so happy that my dream came true. This experience just proves that if you put your mind to it and get  necessary wisdom, then you can do anything. If you want, you can even become a fairy princess mermaid! (That was what I wanted to be when I was 3)   "Brand Spankin' new from the Project Rainbow line by Happy  Hannah" "I am so happy!"

7/11 and Slurpees

Wahoo!!!It is July 11th today which means that it  is  free  Slurpee  day. Every year on 7/11 convenient store seven eleven gives out free small Slurpee with are like frozen flavored sugar that is icy. Sometimes they taste like dino poop with a side of throw up and bogger dressing if you put all the flavors together...Yeah Rae...,But sometimes they taste like the silver lining of a cloud with snowflakes and chocolate syrup. It takes perfection. When my mom was pregnant with my sister, every day we would get a Slurpee. I think my sister, Mia, had the most Slurpees for her age group: not even born yet. To this day we still get this fantastic treats, but not as much. As Horace Porter said,"  Be moderate in everything, including moderation. For information, Visit"

Trash Island and My Charity

About Environment California | Environment California Click on this link and you will help save the world. By doing everyone's part in signing petitions and picking up trash everyday, we are reducing the amount of garbage in the ocean. Currently there is an island of trash in the northern Pacific Ocean the size of Texas! This is NOT myth! I am raising money to start a charity to act on these things, so please donate at the bottom of this website. Remember, Every little thing helps!

Beginning of Spring Outfits

A Different Perspective

Take some different perspective once and a while. Different emotions are expressed in a different setting. Sometimes things aren't what they seem. You must step back and look at the big picture. Using this method it will be easier to reach your goals and thrive.  For me, I decided to take pictures from a different perspective. This way, I discovered new things and different ways to interpret feelings. I hope you like my new perspective and see your life from a different angle once and a while as well.  notice the reflection in my glasses  by what position her nose is in, I can tell she is squinting You cannot see our faces, but my sister and I are discussing something.   He doesn't know I am taking a picture of him, I can tell he is waiting for something, or listening  I took a picture of my shadow to symbolize that sometimes things aren't what they seem. This is an example where the viewer must take a step back and to really realize what

Yaga Shira Keshet Rain Song Rainbow....My Gecko

This is my gecko, Yaga Shira Keshet Rain Song Rainbow. I know that her name is long, but what the hey, It means some pretty awesome things: Song and Rainbow. The beginning part is Hebrew and the end is the translation all except the Rain and Yaga part. I thought Yaga meant Rain, but it doesn't. But it stuck. Sometimes it's good to be really random. For the most part, that is how I get my inspiration. Unleash your randomness!!!!