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Showing posts from August, 2012

1st Day of school

Boy oh boy! Summer went by in a wiz! It was so fantastic and I promise I will spill all my summer fun recipes. Today was the first day of school and an amazing one at that. I have such great classes and I get to learn French tri bein!!! So, maybe, just maybe I will be able to learn enough to write a whole blog post in French!!! In class we have to have a French name and I don't really know what mine should be, any ideas??? I know who ever out there is reading this is super smart because they can read, so comments, please. Merci :)  I have included some random pics of me over the summer. I hope you like, and have a great first day of school as well. P.S I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for this year. Aren't you?   Kale Chips? Momma's creation tasted great! NO joke. I am serious. They taste good  going to the beach rocking 

Off day

Today I had sort of  an off day. I was kind of mopey, but hen I realized that all I really needed was a hug. Hug someone today and make their day an on day!

Lazy Day

Happy Lazy day everyone! Today I am going to sit back, relax and be thankful for all the wonderful things around me. Remember, the 20th is thrift shop day! Thrift shopping is oh so fun! I just love to scan all the racks and then out of nowhere an amazing item of clothing pops out and says "BUY ME HAPPY HANNAH." and of course I do because it is just so beautiful! But today is lazy day:-0 here is a link to a lazy song, and a movie selection, and some Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. That is my lazy day fantasy. I Love Phish Food!