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Showing posts from November, 2012

What am I Thankful for? What about you?

I hope all your thanksgivings were amazing. I wanted yo share a few things I am thankful for.Here we go.... schhol great friends family I a. thankful I have a plateful evry night  being able to blog  being supported by those I love  great hugs  nature outside my door my doggie  my gecko my sewing machine  tolerence freedom art warm and fuzzy feelings  being published!!!! check out having a shiet that says i love rsainbows in French being cared and loved  chocolate  tree of life teachers who teach life lessons being able to help those in need. my momma and i gave out cookies at our local homeless home pen pls  shelter momma datty mia life being 13 OMG I loveife an I hope you do too. have a great happy post thanksgiving.

Ode to Exclamation Points

Oh Exclamation points You fill me with glee  of the I say Yippee! To add fun I just need one or two or three When one is down or has a frown all I need is you to get me undown (happy) hahaha just wouldn't be complete if I didn't have you to bring up the heat So go and frolic I don't be lethargic and have fun Play in the sun! so, as you see I need you with me to add some spunk to's funk So I thank the for being there to always share the excitement I lend Oh Exclamation point, will you be my friend?!?

sing a happy song

lalallala hoaa haaa laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa laa hoaaa haaaaaaa nananana sing a happy song laalalala lalala lalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalalalkalalal sing a happy soooooooooooong! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Outfits of my summer!!!

My Bat Mitzvah

          I have exactly one week, four days, twenty-two hours, nine minutes, and fifty-seven seconds until my big day. NO, I am not getting married. But, then what is this “big day?” It is a tradition passed down through my ancestors, a right of passage that most jews go through, a gathering of friends and family,  and an experience of a lifetime. In other words, my Bat Mitzvah. But, what does this mean to me? Why should I commit myself to this tradition? What do I think will come of this. WHY? Three words. Tradition, learning, and becoming. First of all, Tradition plays a key role in my reasoning to become a Bat Mitzvah. I think that it is very cool that my ancestors before me read out of the same text that I will be reading out of on this day. Who knows, Maybe my great great great great great great grandpa had the same portion as me! On a less intense scale, my parents also had B’nai Mitzvahs. This motivates me to have one because it will be another thing I have in common with t

Super Storm Sandy

For all the people on the East Coast that are reading this, I am sending you a mental hug. I hope that you are safe, sound, happy, and healthy. Just like how my sister Mia spilled all of these beads, we eventually cleaned it all up. THERE IS HOPE. :)

YO YO YO what's happening?

HI HI HI! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't posted this century  It has been FOREVER. But, I have an excuse I mean reason. My Bat Mitzvah is coming up! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! So, I have been working on my drash (google it) and Hebrew and other fun thingys. But for now, I will give you some pics to entertain yourself with.  sissors  dress lips???  the meaning of life....  washington looks oh so happy  look at all those t-shirts! All the better to make into masterpieces my dear!  This is my going-out-on-a bike-gear  we match!  hahahahahaha  yep, I am  oh lala Agian, it comes up. I NEED this hat