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Showing posts from January, 2013

Thoughts On Kindergarden

The lessons from kindergarten that some of us seem to forget: Be a friend to everyone, chew with your mouth closed, don't interrupt, don't hit, don't judge, and finally, it's Valentine's not Valentines. Some of the most important life skills are woven through these lessons. If everyone had to take a course right before they graduated collage on kindergarten values the world would be quite a better place. Those are my thoughts..................yours???

Days of the Weekend

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to alert you all on some things about the weekend. Today is Australian day so practice those Aussie accents. Tomorrow is Holocaust rememberence day. Light a candle or two for all those who died. On Sunday at my temple we are going to go to a homeless shelter, so you can make a difference in honor of the Jews as well. Finally, on Monday it is...............Bubble wrap appreciation day(waahooooooooooo*pop*) I am going to eat some grapes now. Bye


Stuff, things, this, that...there are many names for this stuff we alll use, all tthe time, everyday. Stuff. Some stuff is made in factories by child slaves while other stuff is harvested out of the ground. Some stuff is poisonous  while other stuff is healing. What ever it may be, whatever you are reading this on, it is a thing, it is stuff. Have you ever wondered where this stuff came from, or how it got into your hands? Well, here is a video to explain it all: P.S. Thank you Anna for inspiring me.

DIY Magazine Rack!

I saw this really awesome magazine hanger in my classroom and I wanted one. I don't know where to keep my magazines, and I don't want them to feel intimidated by my books on my bookshelf, so I created something that is Eco-friendly, a great art project, looks great! ( rainbows included ) Just follow the step by step explanations and diagrams and before you know it, you have a one-of-a-kind creation that is wonderful!  You need:  6 clothes hangers  Some sort of tape (duct tape works best )  P.S my Momma bought me tape for Hanukkah because I used hers to much :) 6 magazines for your finished product and of course a wacky smile such as above Now that you've got all of your supplies, it is time for the fun stuff!  Step 1. on your work surface lay two hangers down such as this and tape the parts where they connect  Step 2. continue this until you've connected 6. It should look like so when finished Step 3. Test your hangers to see i