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Showing posts from February, 2013

QR code valentines

Hey!!! So, I just had this idea and then I did it. What if I could make valentines by combing my love for blogging and cutting out hearts?? Well I put them together and BAM I created QRalitines. I know it's a mouthful, but practice makes better. So, here's what you do: Gather paper, scissors, and printer Cut out hearts print the below QR codes out paste on hearts done!!! The link from the code is completely devoted to valentines day sayings. it is at I hope you like it. P.S. The valentines day sayings are in French, I hope that's not a problem. It was a homework assignment for French, and so there you go.But, I know that you reader are quite creative, so you can do something about that.

Give Love to Every and All

         What is your immediate reaction when you see a person without a home? Don't read the next sentence without thinking................................................................................................................................            Ok, I hope you know. Some reactions might be: Walk away without making eye contact. Walk away smiling at that person. "I'm so sorry," then walk away. Or" here's a quarter," walk away.  What's wrong with all of these answers?        WALK AWAY. It isn't like they are poisonous or will turn you into stone if you look them in the eye. They are PEOPLE without homes. People first, not having a home second. try to change your vocab a bit. They are human beings as well. Don't treat them like aliens or outcasts.         As a matter of fact, I have a few friends who don't have homes and they are some of the nicest people I've ever met. But, you would never be able to make a friend w

Those Momments

I woke up to simply get a drink of water. This awakening wasn't intended to be more than merely a minute, but no. Sleep did not come as a lay on my bed. I turn, but not toss* for a while as I close my eveys and search for a way to lull myself back asleep. Sill nothing and I know I won't be able to go to sleep anymore so I roll on myside and stare at the clock trying really hard with my 'superpowers' to make it go ahead 2hours. 4:41is not my prefered time of wake up. Like a two week old egg, I hatched, a plan I mean. I was going to: turn on my light as I opened my eyes slowly to ajust to the brightness, took my kindle from where it was sleeping, blog aout my story, and after this take a bath, and finally get ready for school. I'm actually kindof glad I woke u so early, now I can prepare and look my best for the presentation today. My friends Anna, Colette, and I are presenting asock drive we are holding for Elementry(My drear Watson) schoolers. We are collecting war

Glide Memorial Church

      I walk in and find my seat. I smooth my skirt and look up to smile at my neighbors  They smile back and ask how I'm doing. "Great, thanks for asking," I already feel at home. The ushers proudly wear buttons with rainbow peace signs.         This is Glide, the home for many who don't have one and donors alike. All with the same mission: To live life to the fullest. Glide is a church, shelter, and much more. So easy to help there, so easy to make friends there too. If you live in the Bay Area, to his is an amazing experience and you MUST go!!!           learned that who you are is not what you do, or what others say you are, or anything superficial. It was very enlightening and I felt a power there, a love for life. Amazing. Volunteer and help a worthy cause then learn something about yourself you never knew before. Win Win. Also, the music ahhhhhh, like a breath of fresh air. It will be a day you remember forever and

Fun, Fast, and Fantastic Valentines

            I know this is kind of early, but I'm already making my valentines. I LOVE valentines day. I mean, what's not to LOVE (hehehe) So, I looked through some magazines and voila! I found it. ( My version is a little different. I call these Playful Pink Pizzazz Valentines. What you need: 1. Water colors/ food colors/colors 2.Shaving cream 3. Paper 4. Towels!!!! 5. Plastic wrap 6. Hands that can shmear 7. Smile P.S. With all recipes in the whole world, they are for the reader or listener to tweak, add something or whatever, so have fun changing up this recipe. Who knows, you could make it a whole lot more amazing, so if you found how, comment! Step 1 Cut out hearts the size of your palm. Make as many as you want. I made about 50!!! Step 2 Set up your work-space  Lay out the plastic wrap on a hard surface. Also, if you don't want to get dirty, lay it on yourself. Step 3  Drizzle food coloring onto shavin