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Showing posts from April, 2013


Teenagers. We are sweaty , stinky, and all the while trying to figure out why we landed on planet Earth. I can resolve all of these things in one simple DIY project.... Deodorant!!! No more stinky no more sweaty and now you know the reason you belong on this planet is to make natural deodorant . I am really stinky. Yes, I admit it. I really want to stop being stinky so I looked up how to make your own natural deodorant  and now I am not stinky. Why natural? Simply because common deodorants have aluminum. You can gain an aluminum toxic buildup that can cause cancer, and toxic reactions. Here is a more thorough explanation: What you need                                                                     Essential oil of choice 1/4  cup baking soda 1/4 cup arrowroot 1/4 cup coconut oil You mix them all together.  It takes a long time (about 3 minutes). Then you add a fe

Earth Day!

Hello!! Today is one of the most wonderful days on the history of the Earth. Simply because it is Earth day. Today for Earth Day I am pledging to pick up every single piece of trash I come upon. No exceptions  Except if it is dangerous or unsanitary. So I guess there are some exceptions  After I will record how many pieces I found! You too! Let's pick the Earth clean.

Outfits of Fall

Shown below are my outfits I wore in Fall. Enjoy :) Frenchish... Out fit by Raelyn I made the dress I dressed up as a paper doll, and got the laughs I was aiming for   Bow I made with my hair Pink!!! Thank you sunlight! Go Giants! Made the Shirt and Pants I got the skirt at a thrift shop I made the headband and skirt Peas (Peace Farmgirl Hannah HiiiiiYaaaa! Going to School Watermelon me Patterns Galore Anna and I going to the dance À la Pairs I made the skirt

The Legacy of the Smiely face Braclet

A blue braclet with the word smile imprinted on it with white paint On both sides of the inscription were two emoticons, both smiling. I was given this bracelet by someone I hardly knew, then I passed it on to someone who made me smile. It goes like that, give to a nice person, they pass it on until the whole world feels the joy that accompanies being given a special present that has encircled the globe. Hopefully its owners will comment on its journey's below.

Pinky Pie and Rainbow Dash in Clay Form

Some of you reading this may know that I like My Little Pony. Yes, I do know that it is a show for 7 year old's and that I'm strange to watch it, but so be it! I love MLP. Today I decided to make Pinky Pie, a popular pony on the show ( ) Pinky Pie is also my favorite,  because she is so random and loves to have fun. I also love Rainbow Dash for her spunky personality and RAINBOWS!!!  

Spring Break=Gramy and Poppie's House

    I wanted to share with you a beautiful picture of my Gramy with her teeny tiny hat. I got it in Japan town. I think it is so cute and it looks perfect on my awesome grandma.