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Showing posts from July, 2013

Crazy Squirrel part 2

As I've told you readers before, There is a crazy squirrel in my backyard. Here are some pictures.


These quotes are some of the best around. I just love them and I hope you do too. They were said by famous people and my peers alike. We are all so wise, we just don't know it yet. .If you fight fire with fire, it just gets bigger .There is no try, just do or do not . Trees are greener than money .How can others open their hearts and minds to us if we can't open or hearts and minds to them? I hope these quotes are as thought provoking as possible and inspire you to do great things.


Today I was feeling lazy. When I'm lazy I plop in front of the TV or I read. But, today I watched a movie. Personally I don't like to see TV shows or chick flick. My favorite types or movies are documentaries. I love documentaries. They aren't boring or weird(contrary to poular belief), and they educate me on so many things! Here are some of my favorite documentaries if you ever want to be lazy and learn a lot too! ( they all have the project rainbow seal of approval) -Story of Stuff -Girl Rising -Wasteland -2012 a Time for Change -Temple grandin -Pay it Forward -Pursuit of Happyness  -Sarafina -30 Days -Earthlings Please tell me if you see an amazing movie. I'll see it and add it to the list if it is good:)

My Rainbow Hair Pictures

Hello! I promised I post many pictures of my hair soon, so here they are. It is crazy how many people have asked my if I did my hair for the gay pride parade. I tell them that it was serendipity (fun word, look it up!) and then we launch into a conversation all about LGBT rights. I met a mom from San Jose with the topic of my hair. I also met a couple, Debbie  and Joy. They were very nice people and I am oh so glad that their marriage is now considered equal. I met someone at our local chipotle. I think that is a very good reason to dye your hair rainbow around June. I think that clothes, hair, earrings, and stickers can make such a difference. It is truly a fashion statement. A statement for me that everyone, every love, and every race is equal!

How to Make Cork Earings

My friend Raelyn and I made earrings out of cork. Here is our how to video. Enjoy your new up-cycled art! Sell them and donate the money to an environmental charity because you are re-using the cork. Raise awareness by writing "love our earth" or "upcycled" or the recycling sign on them. If someone asks you about the earrings, tell them how you made them, and how they make a positive impact. You can change the world with earrings (I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye it is true!)

Gay Pride Parade

I recently went to the gay pride parade. Here is my video of the awesome won!

Sleeping on Sand

Today I woke up. I woke up but I wasn't in my bed. No. Today I woke up from sleeping on sand.Why? You might ask. The answer is....because I felt like it. This holiday my family went to a family reunion. Where we were staying there was sand directly outside. Since the place doesn't have too much light polution and I would be in a secluded area,  I thought, why not? I could see all the beautiful stars, enjoy the sound of the ocean,the sea breeze, and live in nature for a night. (The sand was actually very comfy.) Before I slept I had to prepare. I grabbed a bunch of blankets, secured them with three rocks so they wouldn't blow away, put my snoppy in the bed, and sprayed it with gallons of bug spray.  It worked, I didn't get bit. I fell asleep to the ocean. But, falling asleep was really hard. There were stars EVERYWHERE. I tried imagining myslef climbing to the north star. That was cool. There is something about star gazing while half asleep that is truly magical. So I en


Guess What? I am now on Etsy. That means you can buy art that I make. I make rings and earrings so far. Check my store out here: If you can't buy anything, please add me to your favorites! Thank you and tell your friends!

Dare to Dream of Colored Rainbows

Hello wonderful people! Today is such a great days. Some days you just get that feeling that everything is possible. It is is the air and if you go outside and spin around a few times, you'll know that anything is possible. Spin around and enjoy life today. Just like this poem: Dare to dream of colored rainbows and fine “castles in the air” - and a Sun that shines so brightly making cloudy days seem rare! When you aim to find a purpose then your life becomes worthwhile. You will dazzle those about you - when you show your own true style! Our dreams are not for keeping - simply borrowed for a while; to console us in adversity and teach us how to smile! Dream again of coloured rainbows and of bluebirds flying high. You will overcome the obstacles once you decide to try!