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Showing posts from September, 2013


There is craziness everywhere. There is even therapy camel craziness. My momma is a nurse and the other day at work she saw a  therapy camel. Apparently they are perfect therapy pets because they don't shed. So, here she is, the therapy camel:

Clothing Swap

Clothing swaps rock. A clothing swap is when you gather a bunch of friends and their old clothes to have fun, exchange clothes, and help the planet. Clothing swaps are so great because it you get to "shop for new clothes" and not spend any money.  Here's How: Materials:  -awesome people  -mirror -camera -refreshments -place to put clothes -clothes -device for viewing video -imagination Step 1. Invite friends  Step 2. Set up where you would put the clothes Step 3. When friends come, give them refreshments Step 4. Set up the video the story of stuff and the story of change for more information look at this post Step 5. Have your friends give you their clothes that they are donating and sit them down to watch the video while you set up the clothes Step. 6 Talk about what you just saw. Ask questions like: What can we do to stop this? How is the

Yummy Popcorn

In this post is a link to what I spray on my popcorn and it makes it soooooo good and very healthy. Try it! mmmmmmm foooooood


These pictures in this google search are oh so cute! I have made quite a few charms like these and I am selling them on Etsy. If you enter in the code PROJECTRAINBOW you get 10% off. But, it expires December 1, 2013 so don't wait! I hope you like my creations. Etsy:


I am so sorry I haven't written in a week. A week! Well, the reason behind this is school has started, and I'm loving it! Some say "awww, school is starting again!" I say, "YAAAAA school is starting again." I am so grateful that I get to go to school. Did you know that millions of children do not have access to school and in over 50 countries it isn't free. I am so lucky to have such a great education and it is free. This makes it even more relevant to give thanks for this blessing and help others in need. A great documentary to watch about girls in school and rights of girls around the world is GIRL RISING. I highly recommend you seeing it. It is fantastic! Below is a picture of a packing party with the organization TRUST IN EDUCATION. This organization builds schools and provides education to people in Afghanistan. Another organization, FREE THE CHILDREN is a great resources to learn more about the need