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Showing posts from October, 2013

Halloween Spirit

Oh the joys of waking up at 11:30. This week is unofficially deemed Halloween Party week. I have seen numerous people walking around in costumes. Maybe for the spirit of Halloween, maybe because they are going to a party, who knows? All I know is that Halloween is supercalifragilisticexpealidocious. I love it. Ever since I knew what it was it has been something I look forward to all year long. I love dressing up and pretending for a whole day. Candy is always a bonus. I love going outside and just watching the steady flow of people in costumes like there is a Broadway production right outside my door. It exhilarates me. Exhilarates is my new favorite word now.  You may be wondering how any of that coalesces with waking up at 11:30. I had a Halloween party , went to bed then got 12 whole hours of sleep which rocks. That is the connection. I hope you enjoy getting into the spirit of halloween! One of my favorite ways is to watch the Twilight Zone. It is one of the best tv shows ever crea

Halloweenish time and Flubber

Happy Almost Halloween!!! To get in the spirit of things, here are some pictures of my Halloween experiences and some cool facts to share with your friends and family!  First of all I have to tell you all about Flubber. You may have seen   flubber the movie  which is a quirky film about a green substance that gets in all sorts of trouble. Well, believe it or not, ( do believe for that is the most fun way to go about things ) you can make flubber! Here is the recipe:  flubber recipe For a fun activity, make flubber, then play with it while watching the movie. I like to take flubber to school to help me concentrate on what we are learning. Sort of like a stress ball. On with the pictures:  part of my Halloween costume  A pencil is sticking through my head!  I am a magician  Equal Exchange chocolate  Fair trade your halloween!  Pie eating contest, my sister won messiest!  Half Moon Bay Haunted House  Ziplin


Sometime you just have to check how you are thinking. This video explains empathy so well. Please disregard the strange picture when you press play.