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Showing posts from April, 2014


American Sign Language is the third most used language in the US today. It is a language used by deaf people and hearing people alike. Like many languages it has its own culture, slang, and is beloved. I have been interested in signing since about fifth grade. I have some signs under my belt, but I would love to be fluent. I am searching for classes now, so hopefully I will find some. If you have any resources or classes in the SF bay area that you can recommend I would love it! Thank you! Learn more image source=

Happy Lists!

These are some things that make me happy or simply put me in awe. They give me inspiration and the urge to do something amazing and be amazing. I hope they do for you too!  1. Cute puppies 2. Rolling clouds 3. Funny graffiti  4. Rainbow toys 5. Neon green trucks  6. Awesome community outreach libraries  7. The truth about beans, on the beans themselves 8. Sunsets 9. Being funny 10. Odd things written on hay bales 11. True signs 12. WHAT IS THAT?


I know this is a little last minute, but if you live in the Bay Area, wake up at midnight because there is going to be an eclipse! The moon is so bright, and tonight we are in for a blood moon. Read about it more  here  as well as  here . Even if you don't live in the Bay Area, you can watch it online. Lunar eclipses like the one tonight only happen every six months, so if you are able, watch the eclipse! 

Color Names

 Below are color samples I found at a paint store. The names of the colors made me laugh out loud. Some are disgusting while others are plain ole' funny!  -WHAT? To me this looks like blood....Self harm is NOT relief. If you do self harm, please call  this number . The color could also be referring to  The Tell Tale Heart. ...  - Love this one. To me it looks like a boa  -This color looks too sweet to be dragon's fire, instead it looks like passion fruit  -Just the name, so cute!  -Put flowers and happiness together, and you get this color  -The alleteration just makes it  -I don't understand why this one is called redtailed hawk  -First dancing dogs, now buffalo dance, what's next?  -This color comes from this joke: -What do you call cheese that is not yours? -Not yo cheese!  -Yaaaaaaaaa  -I think the name of this color really suits it  -Oh rudy!  -Mmmmmm


Hello readers! I am so sorry for my long absence. I have been (and still am) in the city of lights....Paris! My Nana took me to see the sights and practice my French I have been studying for two years. It has been a glorious experience and I promise pictures as well as blog posts in more depth about it soon! Below is a collage I made summing up my trip and adventure. À bientôt!