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Showing posts from May, 2014

Look Closely

This is a picture of my kindle cover. It may look ordinary until you cock your head a bit and see a face! This picture is a reminder that everything can be looked at in a new, creative, and positive angle! You just have to look for the good!


Below is an essay I wrote about yoga. I hope you like it and it inspires you to start your own practice! Yoga is Awesome Yoga is a beautiful, relaxing, fun and awesome way to exercise. I started doing yoga a few weeks ago, and I love it. Since I have scoliosis, yoga helps strengthen my body to keep my back nice and straight. Yoga also prepares and excites me for the glorious day ahead. Every morning I wake up at the crack of dawn (ok, not really, about 6:34), to do yoga. I brush my teeth then lay out my purple mat. I go onto and chose a 20 minute practice for that day. I then turn into a cobra, tree, eagle, child, and swan while feeling the sensation of my body waking up. It is important to have instruction when doing yoga. If you don’t have instruction and are just looking at a sheet of paper, you can get hurt. As I listen to the teacher explain the moves, I know that I am learning the right way. I am able to replicate the pose in front of me, then view it in

Paris Pictures Part 1

Here are some pictures from my trip to Paris! I was so lucky to have my grandmother take me. I had a glorious time. I had such yummy vegan food, was immersed in Paris's wonderful atmosphere, and went overseas for the first time! If you have any questions about a particular picture, click the contact me page, and I will answer them for you! Have a marvelous day! Toilets in a shape of an oval  Our plane The only time I drink soda (on planes.) Look at how tiny it is! More toilets Awesome street art An open air market A beautiful building with plants Poles with notices (I found them quite interesting.) On almost every pole, there were dozens of papers plastered to them. Bunnies! You are Beautiful  A lock I loved  My lock on the lock bridge. If you ever go to Paris, look for a green trash can to the left, and look for this lock!  My lock is on this trash can.  You are supp

You Are Beautiful!

Seriously! You are so beautiful you don't even know it. Didn't that feel good? Making people feel good is really important. That is why this amazing person invented yab stickers. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL stickers. You can buy them here . Remember, you are beautiful! Spread the message! Bees eat ants under trees in France before lunch. BAM! Thanks Ms. Giffin!

Let's Get Creative!

Today is such a great day to get creative!  1. Find a place to sit, anywhere really.  2. Take out your creativity utensils (pastels, crayons, watercolor, you name it.) 3. Observe. This is the fun part. You just get to watch the world around you, and become super aware of your surroundings. If you just pick an item, say a spider web, you can write loads about it. All you have to do is observe. It is a crazy concept to think about considering you can write volumes about a single spider web. 4. Let out your creativity. You don't necessarily replicate something; rather you could draw what is in your head. 5. Share it with the world and don't be afraid to try something new! Below is a picture of a sheep I drew and me!

Biosphere Terrariums!

bi·o·sphere ˈbīəˌsfi(ə)r/ noun 1 . the regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth (or analogous parts of other planets) occupied by living organisms. ter·rar·i·um təˈre(ə)rēəm/ noun 1 . a vivarium for smaller land animals, especially reptiles, amphibians, or terrestrial invertebrates, typically in the form of a glass-fronted case Joke: What do you get when you combine a biosphere and a terrarium? A biosphere terrarium. I got you there, didn't I???? This is how to make one:  Ingredients: 1 1/2 Water and plants like moss or ground-cover. 2.  Worms live in Soil. You need Soil. (The worm is coming out of Mia's nose!) 3. A container. This is a small sprite can and a big water bottle. Your choice! 4. Imagination:   Image source: Steps 1. Put the soil in the jar 2. Put water in the jar (so it is damp) 3. Put plant in jar 4. Place jar in sun 5. Admire

Halloween's half birthday

May 1st is the half birthday of Halloween! So even though the days are not so filled with spooktacular sights, smells, sounds, and tastes, it is still a fabulous reason to celebrate. I am celebrating by sharing pictures of costumes that students around my school wore on Halloween. I hope you are inspired to have a happy half Halloween! This is my costume. I was art supplies. Crayon skirt, crayon shirt, and a pencil through my head! Stylish reindeer  BANANA! Listen to the banana song (Despicable me 2)  here  Cleopatra  Sleeping Beauty  Fairy! (They exist...see!)  Superwoman  Chicken  Cookie Monster! View clip  here  Taco Sock hop lady (Why don't we have sock hops anymore? They sound soooooo fun! Dancing in your socks=awesomeness)  Candy girl with my pencil stuck through her head! Uhhh oh, some nasty office supplies has fought back! In conclusion, this half Halloween, do something crazy, out of the ordinary, or just plain ran