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Showing posts from July, 2014

How I Dye My Hair

The above is a sped up version of how I dye my hair. Enjoy!

The Cuteness and Happiness Factor

When you see/ watch the below pictures and videos, your immediate reaction may be "awwww," "ohhhh" or as my Momma says: "Look at the puuuupppppppyyyy." Seeing something cute can touch a certain part of our compassionate selves and the release is pure love. Seeing something cute, and just cooing over it is really delightful; for the world, and for you. It releases kindness, love, empathy, and grace into our universe, and who can't get enough of that?  Cute animals google search  Cute faced watermelons  The cute dogs love me!  Awwww look at the puppy  Awwww look at the kitty!  This was at our local pet supply shop. Adopt these cats!  Look at the eyes! I HAD to include a picture of me because I am so dang cute! Sneezing baby panda! Elephant experiences the ocean for the first time! Learn more abut how getting your cuteness fix can be healthy, happy, and overall fabulous for you here: https

15 Things That Make Me Happy

1. Free Libraries!  2. Pop up ziplines  wohoooo 3. Fantastic empowering, beautiful and fun birthday cards! 4.  Correct signs  5. Wearing buttons on my head  6. Silly picture frames 7. Amusing t-shirts  8. Snoppy in random places (a mini golf course in an RV park)  9. The awesomeness of redwoods  10. Unknown animals  11. Flying ducks  12. Really, really big trees  13.Faces in some of the weirdest places 14. My and my sister's initials carved into a tree  15. Wacky root systems  What makes you happy? Keep a list and when you are feeling blue, do them, find them, and explore!

New Handicap Signs and Imagine!

This handicap sign may look a little different then the signs you see in the parking lot. That is because instead of a "stationary" person in a chair, they show someone leaning forward and rolling THEMSELVES. Being self-sufficient and mobile is so important for a lot of people. That is why these signs are so fantastic because they demonstrate people with disabilities taking control. Read more about these signs here: I saw these signs in the parking lot of the De Young museum in San Francisco.  How can you help? - Educate people about these new signs. -If there is a parking lot being built in your area, encourage them to put up these signs I love how people are making such advancements. It is so fantastic and we all have to use our creativity and fabulous-ness to help spread the love.  On the topic of spreading the love, I saw this comic

Outfits of Late Spring

Here are my outfits of late Spring. I enjoy Spring and Autumn quite much because you get to layer your outfits in all sorts of fun ways! I adore the manifesto below. I have it hanging right next to my bed. They are fabulous things to keep in mind, and the statement that applies to this post is "Live your dream and wear your passion." True dat!