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Showing posts from September, 2014

Enjoy the Sun!!!

Look at these gorgeous colors! Enjoy the sun! Every breath and moment is precious. Savor them!

Rain and Water Saving Tips

It rained the other day. I woke up and heard the soft pitter patter of raindrops in our gutter. I didn't know if my brain was teasing me because the rain hasn't graced California's thirsty ground in an awfully long time. But, as I pulled up my blinds, the marvelous sight of wetness was there. I was jubilated and so excited. The rain really gave me a wake up call that our water is sacred and scare and we must treat it that way.  It is environmental week at my school (wear blue and green on Wednesday!) and so in honor of that and the rain that came to say hi, I compiled a list of ways to save water! Ways to save water: 1. Take shorter showers  2. Eat less animal products  It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat, while growing 1 pound of wheat only requires 25 gallons. You save more water by not eating a pound of meat than you do by not showering for six months! Read more:

Not Shaving and Body Confidence

I am so sorry I haven't written in quite some time. I have been caught up in the flurry of school, starting a veggie club, spreading rainbows, smiling, and listening to Broadway show tunes. What could be better?  I wanted to share with you a marvelous picture that I adore. In this masterpiece a women flaunts her individuality by not shaving her legs and that really resonated with me.   When I did gymnastics a couple years ago I started shaving my legs because I didn't feel very confident in growing out my hair. Sometimes I would even shave my arms. Not a lot of people at my gym had hairy legs and I didn't feel very secure being the odd one out. Weird now, huh?  I have very dark limb hair and it is quite noticeable. I have been teased about it quite a bit and that was not fun. When I shaved I shaved away my hair as well as a few bushels of body confidence. If my legs weren't perfect, what else wasn't? Comparing my self to my classmates and my fellow

Live Your Life Today

I encourage you to watch this video. It is about how we should live our lives, look up, party, have connections, and how one thing leads to another.  Look Up: I once read a book called The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles. It spoke of how we should look up, instead of looking down at the cement. I look up and see how glorious and different things above are. I turn my head into a new angle of life. I share with you a picture a sculpture from different angles. I found the second picture hilarious.It is so amazing how looking at something a tad differently can change your whole perspective. So, look up , the world is yours. Have a fabulous time


My Gramy sent me a wonderful e-mail filled with beautiful staircases from around the world. They made me smile and I hope they bring you joy as well. Maybe you could visit one if it is near you and take a picture with it to send to me!  The rest of this post was written by the person who started this chain mail who is unknown, so thank you internet and random person! You brought me joy, and will hopefully bring my readers joy as well!          Seventeen astounding staircases from all around the world. Their bright colors, fantastic patterns, and detailed images are sure to wow you.  While some were painted by artists, the best part is that many are collaborative efforts by local communities who worked together to create something beautiful.  So enjoy these photos of some truly miraculous stairs. They'll leave you wishing you could walk up masterpieces like that all the time! . San Francisco, California  These tiled stairs run up