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Showing posts from October, 2014

Ants are cool

There are so many other worlds within our own. For instance, I was out in my backyard when I saw that ants had surrounded my dog's dog bone. It was crazy how they formed a network and can communicate with each other. Just think of all the millions of worlds out there interacting with each other. If we realize that everyone has their own thoughts and way of life, we can live in even more interdependence. So, notice that bird, that ant, or the person sitting next to you. Recognize them as a living being that can do good. Awesome things will ensue. Just say hi and start creating!


My life has been swinging and hopping and dancing around and this is a reminder to sit down and just chillax. Ahhhhh. In and out. Have a chillaxing and awesome day! (This is a video of seals chillaxing.)


Celebrate today!!! Here are some fireworks to help.

Coming Out Day

Happy Coming Out Day lovelies!!! It started more than 20 years ago as day to celebrate, support and come out as an ally or queer. I love that there is a day dedicated to this important thing to do. This is my story.  In January I started questioning my sexuality. I joined an amazing website called Trevor Space   (check it out)   and talked to my friends and family about what I was realizing. I opened myself to having feelings for girls as well as dudes and people who don't identify as either. It is such a liberating thing to think, "Oh gee that guy is cute" and then imagine you dating a girl. I identify as pansexual or, liking people regardless of gender.  There. I have come out of my rainbow sparkly closet.  I am so lucky to live in a place where my feelings don't have to be masked and my appearance can be what ever I want it to be. I am faced with some bi/pan phobia or people thinking I have to choose a "side." Y

How to Change the Google Sign In Page With HTML

I posted a quick and fun video on how to change the google sign in page with HTML. I was inspired by a friend to commence this project and it taught me basic code and was quite awesome. Enjoy!


A sense of wonder is so important in our world. It is vital that we ask the strangers name, seek a new way to travel to work or school, contemplate what quantum physics are, and stop and say thank you. If we don't savor our moments of wonder we lose the immense feeling of connectivity and may miss the party of life. Below are some pictures I wonder about and that perhaps will inspire you to wonder as well. P.S. I was walking around my town and looked down and saw that all the light posts had dedications on them. Go figure. What will you discover when you wonder?  How did the people climb all the way up to the light posts?  How does this clock work and how were Roman Numerals invented?  How did they make this cotton candy so big? How long did this masterpiece take to carve? Why did they not show her eyes? Wonder wonder wonder!!!