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Showing posts from November, 2014

Let's Make Some Comic Art! (A How To)

Hello lovelies! I have been out and about and life has been just so fabuloso.  It is Thanksgiving break so you know what that means...yummy vegan comfort food. Shout out to my Momma's rendition of Engine 2's Shepard pie.   Break also means a lot of free time... for art! Below are instructions for making art with comics from the newspaper. Enjoy and start creating! What you need:  Mod Podge  Sissors  Comics  A paint brush  A sharpie or other writing utensil                            A smile A canvas Now you are all ready to begin! 1. Cut out your comics 2. Paint the Mod Podge on the back  3. Lay the comic with the glue on the back of your canvas  4. Smooth it out  5. Paint the comic over with the Mod Podge  6. Let dry  7. Repeat steps 2-6 to your liking  and remember to save a little space for the morals  8. Let your piece dry 9. It is time to write the morals!! (What you GOT from the comics. ) 10. You did it

My bike/ Paradigms

Light up your life. All you really need is a paradigm shift (fancy shmancy new word for me.)It means a view on life. Think of the rain as a positive thing for our environment rather than a blockage in your day. Light up your life! I lit up my bike! With these cool lights. Festive huh?


This is a picture of me and my dog Olive. We think she is sick and she is sitting in my lap wrapped in a blanket like a burrito. My lesson for the world today is to cuddle. Cuddle your family,  your pets, the world. .. in my definition cuddling is where you relax into something and feel good. So cuddle today. Cuddle everyday! 

Banana Heart

Fun fact: Coeur is the French word for heart. Soeur is the french word for sister. Sweet huh! Although this banana is not my sister, I noticed that it was in the shape of a heart when I was eating it. Cool! This is a lesson to notice things around you. There may be a heart where you least expect it. 

End hunger

Happy Haloweeeen!!! I love this holiday. Full of fun, fall, and fabulousness. When I was little I would get so hyped up about the 31st and I still do. Instead of candy I will be collecting cans for the local food bank. Consider that If you are "too old" to trick or treat. It is a great way to help those who go hungry and have fun at the same time. 1 in 6 go hungry in America.  That is way too many. Let's end hunger. One small step at a time   I have included a picture of the gorgeous leaves on my bike ride to school, a picture of me in a cat costume, and a spooky building.  Have a great halloween.  Let's end hunger!