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Showing posts from February, 2015

Body Art From Me

To continue these awesome posts about body art and art in strange places, I did some body art on myself the other day. I was passing by an Indian shop and decided to get some henna. After I purchased the henna I said thank you in Hindi by using my handy dandy mobile device. If you're wondering how to say thank you in Hindi after you purchase henna you say it like this: Dhan'yavāda. I encourage you to reach out to a local store near you and perhaps do some awesome henna art. It fades in a month or so, so it's not permanent and it's very fun.

More Body Art From SAGE!!!

Here are some beautiful body art pictures from my amazing friend Sage. Isn't she talented?? So awesome!! I hope these pictures will inspire you to create some awesome art!  Moon and Star Tree hand thingy!  There she is  Flowers  Color trickles  Swirleys Moon Child

Outfits Of Recent and Not so Recent Times!!!

Here are some of my hair pictures and outfits!!! Enjoy!