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Showing posts from April, 2015

My Name!

Hello! I know it is crazy but Happy Hannah is not my full/ real name (gasp!)   (That's not my name by the Ting-Tings) It is actually... Yes! So there ya go! After a long time, you my internet friends now know my name. Crazy! And here is a podcast and awesome person did about my. His podcast is called Studio Mouth Podcast and it rocks. Check it out: Have a lovely day

Earth day!

Yo! It is Earth day today. Here are some Earth celebrating pictures! The gorgeous sun! Rainbows At Land's End in SF.

Plain Outfit

Life is all about experimentation. So one day I came home from school and experimented. I put on some plain clothes and decided to try on a new identity. It was kinda fun. Here are the pictures from my adventure. 

Internet Adventures!

In my discoveries of the interwebs I have found these links that are pretty amazeballs. Check them out. The link is about how girls are treated in the world. Wake up with some feminism. Oh. That would be a good band name. These are some funny stories about women's first periods. So if you are cramping, perhaps this video can make you laugh. This video is about privilege. It is a great eye opener. There is a HUGE drought is California right now and this is a little reminder vid for those in CA. 

We are Silent 2015

Today I am silent to represent those who do not have a voice. I am silent for the person who is bullied, (105 people will kill themselves today in the US alone.)  I am silent for those who cannot marry whom they love (13 states to go.) I am silent for the 56 billion animals slaughtered every year. I am silent for the hungry (1 in 6 people in America face hunger.) I am silent for the modern day slaves, and those in horrid working conditions like sweatshops, ( 15% of the world’s children are engaged in child labor.) I am silent for those who don’t have access to an education, clean water, sanitation, or health care. I am silent for the women who are child brides, work in the sex trade, and get paid less than their male counterparts. I am silent for the environment and the damage humans have caused upon our beautiful planet. I am silent for the injustices served each and every day. I am silent because they are silenced. We can change these statistics. We can change the world. The

Fun Pictures With Car Stickers

My mom used to be a jumper so this sticker is on our car. I used it to create art! Perhaps you can use a moving medium to create beauty.

Stuff on My Mind

Hey beauties! Here is some stuff on my mind: This is a unicorn fish And this is how you can help the Cali drought: Also, follow me on Instagram @rainbowhannah99