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Showing posts from May, 2015

Wear Orange June 2

Hello! My wonderful Gramy Marlene told me over the phone that there was an awesome campaign happening on June 2nd. What is it you may ask? Well if you haven't inferred from the tittle it involves wearing orange. I am a huge supporter of wearing things that show what you believe in, and I think this is a marvelous cause. So here is the deal. Wear orange to encourage gun reform and safety. Watch the video here: Orange is easy to see and spot so wear orange on June 2nd to represent those who were victims of gun violence and represent your voice of change in this cause.  Thanks gramy!

Funny Vegan Video

Hello! As you know I am vegan. Wohoooo. Being vegan is such an amazing experience that has given me a ton of energy, good feelings, and I know I am making a huge difference. ( My veg essay .) So here is some vegan humor to start your day off right. If you are not vegan or vegetarian, watch anyway, you will probably learn a lot about the poop in your meat. That is right. Poop.


Hello Lovelies! I apologize for the delay. So sorry! But here is something super fun to do over memorial day weekend. Go see Tomorrowland. It was so fabulous. Maybe the best movie right now. Why? 1. Girl hero 2. Call for world change 3. Awesome graphics. In short it was super inspiring and I totally recommend it!


When we are born, we are usually (sometimes not i.e. intersex) born with either a penis or a vagina. Sometimes we come to realize that that penis or vagina doesn't fit the identity we feel inside. Lets say you are born with a vagina but you know that really you are a guy inside. This is called being Trans* or    trans·gen·der transˈjendÉ™r,tranzˈjendÉ™r/ adjective denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender. "a transgender activist and author"  I have written a tad about trans stuffola here: Sometimes one does not identify with only one gender. There are so many genders out there because gender is a spectrum. Lets get something straight (ha!) though. Gender and Sex are NOT the same thing.  g en·der ˈjendÉ™r/ noun 1 . the state of being male or female (typi

Rookie Mag

There is a wonderful place on the internet. A place to grow and flourish and bounce and twirl. It is called Rookie Magazine ( visit it will you?

Why Do I Dye My Hair Part 2

Hello! My hair adventures just got a little crazier. Let me clue you in. First off, consider this a sequel to this post:  Why Do I Dye My Hair Part 1 .  Part 2 entails fun adventures of late night craziness, hot heads (literally), and lots and lots of hair.  Let the fun begin.... About 3 weeks ago I participated in We Are Silent (a day to be silent to represent those who do not have a voice.) I wrote a post about it here: We Are Silent . During the time after school I was getting quite annoyed about my hair and how long it was and how hot it was after a few games of rugeball (yes, that is a thing, a very weird thing) in PE. So I decided that I wanted to shave it all off. Because I couldn't talk that night I had to wait until the following day to ask my parents and explain what I wanted to do.  After a little bit of persuading, my lovely parents said yes and the next day I cut it pretty short. Then that night I cut it shorter, and shorter, and shorter. It was an all out craz


A lot of you know how much I LOVE bubbles. Recently I went to an engagement party and played with bubbles as well as with this awesome dude: So here are some pictures of me and my very good friend Coco. You make these bubbles by getting two sticks, putting string in-between, dip in bubble solution, and then face against the wind to produce awesome bubbles!!!