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Showing posts from June, 2015

Marriage Equality!!

Holy smokes!!! I am so so so happy that the supreme court ruled in favor of marriage equality yesterday. It was an awesome day to be in the city with my rainbow hair. People were so excited and all of the rainbow flags were posted on Market Street. Because of the supreme court's ruling, people can get married no matter what their sexual orientation is. It isn't legalizing "gay marriage," It is creating marriage equality. Lets keep making history together and making a change to what matters. 

Random Acts of Kindness

There is something so wonderful that happens when love is exchanged. People open their hearts to new experiences and trust is formed. Happiness is created and an abundance of hope goes flying into the air. I love seeing good things happen. I also need to know what problems our world faces so that I can help stop them. I simply adored the following video because it gave me that sense of hope and inspired me to keep doing good. Here are some ideas of how you can make a difference in little acts: -Pick up a piece of trash -Give a complement every day to a stranger -Buy fair trade -Recycle -Pay for the toll behind you -See community theater -Donate your clothes -Hold the door open for someone -Pay for the person behind you at Starbucks -Give hi-5s -Become an organ donor Here is a video on that:

Females In India Need Education Now

So I wrote an essay for history and I really like it. Enjoy Females In India Need Education Now The conditions for girls and women in India are not the best, to say the least. Girls and women in India are being highly discriminated against in the government, workforce, and in everyday society. Women are sometimes seen as a burden because they seemingly have little ways to provide for themselves.  Mothers pray to bear boys so that their families can “prosper.”  Females are shunned for their curiosity and don’t feel empowered. Suicides are not infrequent   to get young brides out of marriages. Inferior and female are two very connected words in many parts of Indian culture. There are more child brides in India than any other country (Girls Not Brides). Not surprisingly then, India is the 8th worst country to live in as a women (Khan). Because of female infanticide and hate crimes, there are only 914 girls for every 1,000 boys in India (Xu). But, education is changing these stat


Oh my goodness. I just adore this commercial so much. It has ASL in it, involves an interracial family, involves lesbian moms, and it just all around wonderful. Do watch.

Pride Month Ya!

I just googled queer because I felt like it and look what happened: Isn't that just fabulous? Happy pride month everyone