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Showing posts from December, 2015

Happy List

Here are some things that make me happy as I promised! 1. This is a lovely woman I met at an art museum who had an awesome outfit that matched the exhibit!!! 2. Wearing funky scarves   3. Halloween decorating  4. Making decorations  5. Pretty things that match and look cool so I take pictures 6. Forgiving whoever stole my bike   7. Making posters to encourage veganism  8. My toys  9. My books  10. Making inspirational posters with communiteens  11. Tape  12. Record players  13. Socks  14. The booth and the play and all of that good stuff  15. Balloons  16. My backpack  17. Drawing my veins  18. PUPPPPYYYYY  19. Kindness table  20. Cool lights  21. The beautiful world  22. Oranges 23. Creative Reuse/Art!!!  24. Hats  25. Rainbows  26. Pens  27. Gorgeous trees  28. Gorgeous houses  29. "Find one thing"  30. "You belong to love"  31. Latke

Keep Our Oceans Healthy and Happy

Today I took a nice walk in the open space by my house and I got to play in the mud and it was so fun!!! I also collected 2 soda bottles and a beer bottle. When I was riding my bike up the hill I saw all of these packing peanuts:  ( ) It made me so sad to see a dozen or so styrofoam death balls scattered on the ground. Why death balls you may ask? Well the styrofoam travels down these drains: ( ) Into the ocean or lake or creek or river. Demonstrated by these diagrams:   ( ) ( ) Then the trash gets to a body of water: ( ) And camouflages into food ( ) Finally the trash gets eaten by animals that live wherever the trash was deposited. Turtles think the plastic looks like jellyfish. Many animals die from suffocation.  ( ) ( ) ( ) It is all v