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Showing posts from February, 2016

Crazy Phones and Gratitudes

Here is a brief rundown of my phone history: 5th grade I got a phone a little if I went out, it was a slidey one 6th grade I had a flip phone 7th grade I got the slidey phone again End of 8th grade I got a samsung smart phone In middle of 9th grade I dropped it. I got my dad's phone that died (well it would only display a red eye which was weird) I got a very nice person's old (2012) phone It was fab! Worked ok for 9 months It died My mom gave me her old phone It has popped out sometimes then we learned to charge it more Sometimes the screen goes blank, and so I have it play music until it dies. And from this I have learned things.  I know things now . Into the woods is great. And I have learned I like to get used items because then I am leaving less of a footprint by consuming more stuff, and that that I sometimes drop things, but life goes on. And that if my phone is 4 years old, what ever. Relationships and people matter more. And that I am


Oh my goodness. There is a wonderful thing that is happening. I am learning and singing and dancing and oh my goodness it is so fantastic. There is a musical. It opened in August of 2015 in NY. It is still running and probably will be running for a very very long time. It is called Hamilton and it is phenomenal. I just am in love. It is the story of Alexander Hamilton and his loves, losses, battles, and people he encountered. It was written by the fabulous Lin Manuel Miranda and is beloved by many a teenage girl. Thank you to my fellow teenage girl and pandora who introduced me. Why that dynamic? Who knows, but it is amazing . I encourage you to listen to the soundtrack found here . It is so so good. It is a mix of ballads and rap and wonder. I have learned a few songs on the ukulele. A new favorite thing of mine. And lordy lord I love it. The people who put it on are great and there is so much love and hope and forgiveness and talent. Just gah. I can't give it justice. Some

Kiva! Is! Awesome!

Hello lovely folks of the internet! I know I have talked about the wonderfulness of kiva before ( but I will do it again because kiva is so so great! You can read more about kiva  here . Kiva is an awesome website and charity where you loan money to someone around the world and help them with a project. For example, I LOVE loaning money to people to buy sewing machines because I know I love to sew and it can help start a business in a flash. Anywho, I am really proud because as of today I have loaned $1,000 to kiva. That is huge! That is 40 loans. So cool! I have been donating $25 every month since the beginning of the school year and that has made a lot of a difference. I wanted to share with you some screenshots of my kiva experience. I like to donate mostly to females because I know that it can be really hard starting a business as a female in a developing country. I have also noticed that I don't like to donate to kiva users who want to buy l


This is a poem about Hugs   Hugs are so fantastic They are lovely Wonderful Squishy  and Great I wrap my arms around my dad  and Squeeze for at least a minute falling into the comfort Love Safety and Wonder I hug my Mom I can tell she is done with the hug By her breaths and her squeeze level I send virtual hugs to my grandparents Imagining rapping my arms around them  I share hugs with my friends, teachers, and family Hugs connect us Touch Hearts Touch Souls Spread the Consensual Hugs :)

Some Interesting Food Consumption Facts

In my really awesome and wonderful class I take at school we had a project to talk about the food we eat. I wanted to post my project here because I think it is really cool and fun! I also had a good time in the grocery store. You Are What You Eat DISCLAIMER: My family primarily shops at Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and Costco. For this project I recorded data about my food by visiting Whole Foods. 1.My food comes from mostly California. After I went to the market I was pleased to realize that most of my food is locally grown. I am making an educated guess that these foods grown in California are grown in the central valley region. We often buy our food at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or Costco as stated above.  Some of my food travels from Asia, Europe, and Central America.  Some of my food is just “made in the US.” For example the tofu that we buy is made in the US, but I don’t know where exactly. This may be because the soybeans used in the production of the food may be fro

Being Super Heros and Snowmen

I have recently gotten the opportunity to be characters for my local street festival downtown. It is so fun. I wanted to share some pictures and favorite memories Yesterday I was "The Flash" Gordon which gave me the motivation to learn about this character. I knew I played football, I had a theme song from Queen, and my archenemy was Ming. Thank you various people I asked! So I walked around downtown and people said "Hey flash!" And I said "Hey! How have you been super today?" Someone said "You are wearing a boy costume" To which I responded " SUPERHEROS HAVE NO GENDER!!" I even got to hang out with my friends. It is always fun for me to see people giving me the once over and that happened quite a lot. I even got to experiment with lowering my voice down an octave.  I also got to hang with kids which may be the best part. They totally believe you. Call you flash and it is the best. This time, I met a kid named Batman. His parents