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Showing posts from April, 2016

The Sky and The Complement Game

I was recently playing a game with my dear 6 year old friend. It went like this. I would name an object and she would give it 5 complements. Then she would name and object and I would give it 5 complements. It was quite a lovely fun game. One of the things she chose for me was the sky. I really do love the sky and have some pictures of it so I thought, why not write about it too.  1. Clouds. Clouds are so so beautiful and I love finding shapes in them.  2. The sun and moon live in the sky and they are great.  3. The sky can set the mood. Rain, sunshine, moonlight all have magical wonderful energies.  4. The metaphor of the blue above the storm clouds helps me when I am down.  5. The sky changes colors in such a rapid and beautiful way it can be hard to look away. Try playing the complement game with yourself!

Life Tips1: Making Time to Do the Things you Love

It is very very important to make time to do the things you love. I very much enjoy blogging, but sometimes I forget to make time for myself to do it. It is something healing and wonderful I partake in. I also like to make time for me to hike, bike, take a bath, and jam out to music. Making these short little times for yourself are like little vegan gumdrops of awesome. I am learning to magically make them appear. Some things I love: 1. Acting  2. Bunnies 3. Ukulele 4. Popcorn  5. Broccoli  6. Communiteens! Do what you love and have a fab day

Vegan Resources Galore!

Page of Vegan AWESOMENESS Veganism is an awesome way of life and it is so great for you and the world and animals. Remember that every time you eat you are making some sort of impact. You can choose what kind. Also If you ever need help I am here for you. Once you get the hang of it, it is easy soaring. And I will be here every step if you need me. Happy Vegan Adventures. One day at a time. One life saved at a time, one disease prevented, and one ton of co2 not produced. Let’s Get Started! Recipes (desert) (din

Tomato musings and Vegan Food Pyramids

The word Tomato is one of my most misspelled words, but I don't use it too often. I don't particularly enjoy raw tomatoes but love ketchup as well as tomato soup and sauce. Also I think it is really funny that the word Tomato turns into a funny body part when it becomes plural. Here we go. One tomato, to tomaTOES. Isn't that weird? I think it is funny like tomatoes kinda look like toes sometimes, but I don't know it is kinda funny. Also there is a lot of snow right now in New Jersey and tomatoes are suffering out there so send warm vibes to them and remember to be an eco warrior and help our planet in this climate crisis.  A way you can do that is VEGANISM!!! WOW! And here are some food pyramids to help you out. They include tomaTOES. 

Oh my goodness Gracisous~

I don't know how to spell Gray-Si-Ous. Oh my that is ok. It is such a release and fun thing to say oh my goodness gracisous oh my goodness oh my goodness. You can say oh my goodness I love you Oh my goodness those are great clouds Oh my goodness you smell good Oh my goodness that is a cool tree. There are so many ways to say this wonderful phrase. One of them is Oh my goodness gracisous where has Hannah been!? Well that is an excellent question. That I will answer promptly after I stock my blog with posts....opps. Anywho...Hannah has been doing her play and working with her head. She has been on quite the journey being a fairy and learning about anxiety, ocd, mindfulness, and all of that fun stuff. She knows it is part of life but she wishes it will hurry up and be better already. Phew. Breaths right? Oy. Someday she will probably write her story on this blog to you about her life and experiences. Oh goodie. And to entertain you...some pictures can be found h