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Showing posts from August, 2016

My Recent Adventures in Social Media

Hey! I hope you are doing well and enjoying the last sips of summer. Today I am going to be writing about: It is a new thing...even for me (GHASP!) and I am still getting the grip on all the ins and outs and yikes of this online world. I have been on Instagram for about a year now @the.rainbow.fairy I like Instagram because I love seeing pictures. Sometimes there is hecka cool art/ activism inspiration that makes me happy. I like to scroll through Instagram in the morning to wake up. But I keep my phone in a different room so I have to get up. Otherwise I would be in my bed all day. I don't like Instagram because it can create feelings of exclusion without anyone outright saying anything. For example I have seen people post about a gathering with mutual friends on Instagram and I feel left out. I have gotten my mom on Instagram and my mom got my grandma and even my German Grandpa Host is on Instagram. How cool! I am also on snapchat. That is a bit more private so I won


I was sent a really sweet note in December. It was anonymous and sent to me by a very lovely website. And I wanted to share how to send anonymous complements via email with you my dearest darling readers. Check it out! Steps to make someone's day: 1.Get someone's email! -get their card -go to a random place and get a card of a doctor, police officer, or civil servant to thank them for their work -email a friend of family member 2. Write a note! It can be long or short. Flowery or straightforward. The only requirement is for it to be kind  3. Enter the secret code which is  01df7cc86188a94e 4. Send away :)  My note I was sent "Dearest, lovely Hannah<3. Knowing you is a gift in itself. Seeing the change you are bringing to the world is what gives hope to all who will come after you. I love how you live your life with the intention of bringing beauty and kindness into the lives of others. What you're doing at your school i


So I am very happy and excited because I am taking art this year!!!! Today was my first day of school actually. And I love art so much. I have been painting a lot and creating a bunch this year. And now I get to do it for 50 minutes everyday! Heck yes! On a similar note, I stumbled upon a rope tying art called Shibari. From the website listed below: "In Japanese, “Shibari” simply means “to tie”. The contemporary meaning of Shibari describes an ancient Japanese artistic form of rope bondage." It is so so beautiful to me. I have included some images (that are not my own) from various websites because it is just so so gorgeous. Check out more info on this art here: It is a heart!!! Isn't that amazing!!! And the model is so talented and wowwowowow. I love those wow moments. Good to get a few in your day.  I end with a sleeping tree....because I should sleep too....

Italy Movie!

Learning langauges

How I picked up on stuff super quick! This isn't your usual click bait...this is proven for me and maybe you can use my tips! TIPS!!!! 1. Listen. Listen to everything and ask what words mean. When learning German I kept hearing the word for but...and when I asked, I gained a lot of meaning of conversations 2. Talk. Try your hand at speaking! Even if it is only a few words or you are not sure on how to pronounce something...get yourself out there. You have to stumble for a bit. Personally for Italian it took me 2 days and for German it took me a week to start recognizing words 3. Ask. Try to form sentences and ask what things mean in the other language. A key phrase to learn is "how do you say this?" In Italian that phrase is "como se dice?" 4. Order things at Places Ask for that gelato or that pretzel. It will boost your confidence in the language and empower you to learn more.! 5. Immerse Yourself Try to limit your first language

European Adventure Part 2!

Hello! Most of my pictures are from Italy because I lost my charger on the train. So here are the last of the pictures. The rest are on my phone. Enjoy !!! Movie about Italy soon! I want to begin this post with an invocation of adventure.  May you live with wonder and hope and resilience and find your happy place in the nooks and crannies of life.  Patterned leg! PIZZA  Love this beautiful thing  Isn't this a cool paper towel holder? It is a flower!  Ahhhh the beach.  Feet  Hair!  Italian nightlife. At 11pm, and old ladies are out and partying.  BIKE! People on the train! I will have more train stories sooooonnnnn