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Showing posts from September, 2016

Lets Talk About School...A Poem

School. Let's talk about A thing or two School is glorious School is cool My computer lab provides lollipops I ate one and got inspired I bought some more Added vegan gum I take a moment to say thank you Tantalize that I can by lollipops I have privilege Heck, I am going to school Around the world girls don't get the opportunities I do. Globally 65 million girls are not in school, that is 33 million more than boys not in school And here I am Typing on an apple computer eating free lollipops What will you do with your privilege? Will you use it for good, and share the love Or will you use it up on all of the material goods your heart desires I try to have a balance in my life. I buy lollipops, and donate to kiva I eat vegan, and appreciate my clean water And I know there is still so much more I can do There is a book, a children's book About a woman who has immense privilege Her father gifted her money And told her to use it how she wants, but she

European Adventure Part 3

These are some pictures from my camera on my phone in Italy and German. They all have such beautiful memories that are so wonderful to look upon and write about. So thank you for the glorious opportunity!