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Showing posts from May, 2017


AP Testing and Junior Hulabulo

Hey Hannah, what is after high school ? Hey Hannah, have you studied? Hey Hannah, hear about this contest? Hey Hannah, Do you think you should do that? Hey Hannah, did you, will you, have you, should you? You tell me. Junior Hullabaloo is true true stuff. I often don't fully understand the craziness that I put myself through. I love being busy and I love working on projects. I find it hard to only focus on one thing. Yesterday for instance I cleaned my whole room while listening to a lovely book on tape, and then spent 3 hours cleaning my room, and I had 5 whole bags of things to donate that I didn't need. So here is a little poem To calm the hullabaloo. Inking, painting Organizing and helping charities,  Hamilton too!!! Taking Olive out to the farm, Hanging with goats galore  and playing in the green green grass, wanting to soak it all in before it dissolves Now I work, 12 hours a week, it is fun, and super duper sweet  volun