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Showing posts from June, 2017


Hannah has been going on so so so many adventures! I love being me and bopping around. I thought I would be able to sustain this blog through high school and through my junior year no matter how tumultuous they say it is. But hey, everything changes and so do definitions of sustainability and expectations of oneself. Priorities and people change and that is the only thing that could ever be sustainable. I know I want to work for environmental sustainability and the ability for us as humans to sustain our life and lifestyles in this world for the benefit of others. This is for sure. I want to understand how change can be good and bad, and how to best change for my ever-changing world. This I know, that, my love, is sustainable. What is sustainable to you?  kindness is sustainable  growth is sustainable  Paint in weird places on Hannah's body is sustainable beauty in odd places is sustainable rolling through life is sustainable