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Showing posts from September, 2017


So I had the honor to go to Corgi Con. This beautiful thing was a huuuggeee corgi festival where people from all over the bay area went to ocean beach to celebrate their animals. I took so many pictures because it was like the cutest thing ever. These dogs!!! This was a husky corgi mix. Of course the queen was there And this pup! So nice and shaded Corgis were EVERYWHERE and everyone brought them so corgi-less people like me could pet them. Got to have those puns. Those little ears! Such a happy pup They also loved the ocean! And digging big holes Most of these pics are by Thomas, a lovely human

She's Gotta Have It

The movie She's Gotta Have It directed by Spike Lee is one of my new favorites. I was scrolling through Netflix when all of a sudden I saw some colorful writing and clicked on the thumbnail. Bam! Transported into a world with the quote of Zola Neale Hurston, one of my favorite poets. Immediately I saw connections to this strong black woman and Hurston, and her story of her eyes were watching god, especially with the Jamie character. I adored Opal and her thoughts on sexuality, and fell in love with Nola and her playful and sincere attitude surrounding sex. She makes what she loves liberating while she paints her walls and celebrates black beauty. Stunning piece!!! I loved it.  Short, witty, eye catching, and beautifully done. It makes me want to create! And I think that is what makes art so intriguing and important. Spike Lee as Mars was a nice touch too. With many nods to current events and pop culture, this 1986 film makes reference to the constant police brutality


I went to Seattle this summer. I had never been and I fell in love. What a wonderful place, I even got to go to Canada for the first time. I feel so lucky to be able to have so many experiences where I can travel and explore and learn more things about myself. Here are some pictures from my trip. I have worked with Theo Chocolate to provide fair trade chocolate to the camp I attend, Camp Kesem, and they are such a wonderful company! I wanted to visit and say hi! Look at my beautiful and silly family! We met this really sweet baby who was just adorable!!! I loved this board book that her mom had.  There was this rad rad book store by the shore that was just full of zines and underground stuff. I loved it so so much and just sat there reading and painting for at least an hour.  Look at this beautiful public nook they had too The views of the sky were so so gorgeous. Even more of a reason to keep our planet happy and healthy.  Rawr! I love Chocolate

Oh Where Oh Where Has Hannah Gone? Oh Where Oh Where Can She Be?

What good questions! All of which I will answer. In my last post about sustainability I talked about how there are so many beautiful and wonderful things I have prioritized instead of this blog, and this is true and I have been consumed by the beauty and magic of my life. I do apologize, because I absolutely love blogging, and sharing what I have been doing with the world. So here are the last few months summarized in a few posts. I'll be talking about Seattle, Portland, Sign Language, Art, Adventures, and More!!! Here are some random pictures. There have been many many bunnies in my life!!! Here is one in a laundry basket. I have been in a lot of cities. Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Victoria. I have found many lovely places where art blossoms. Such as this chalkboard bathroom. And of course, by drink matches my rainbow hair. See you soon. New posts rolling out soon. xo, Me