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Showing posts from January, 2018


OMG Wow. This is a record folks. Life is crazy beautiful and I haven't had much time to devote to you, dear blog, but I think I am ok with that. Anywhoodle here are some pics from Thailand!!! I was so so so lucky to travel to Thailand with my family, and visit China in the airport. We spent two lovely weeks all around the country and it was fantabuloso. Ceramic inlay   Momma and I  On a long boat in Thailand  It was so pretty, I love going through the rivers  Fruit! This was both creepy and funny I ate ice cream with the queen So sweet! Monks walking, as they do  More fruit.  The painted ladies of Thailand  A temple  There was a festival and these beautiful ribbons were hung up This was a beautiful blind pup I met an an animal shelter Say no to foam! No styrofoam! Love it The markets were incredible And look at this baby! More babies SO many babies They were all