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Showing posts from July, 2018


Here is an Essay/Musing Collection I wrote on change Names Changed to protect the privacy of others You know that scene in our town where the girl goes around to her favorite places saying goodbye? she is dead and also alive in a sense walking back into this world that was once so familiar to her. That is how I feel. I feel myself fading from this world I once knew. I am cutting off connections hoping to save the people I am strung too, but only being hurt in the process. I feel a tug from every person as I slowly break away. Today, for instance, I said goodbye to two people. I said goodbye to a friend I had made only a few months prior. I gave him my water boiler. Daniel said he wanted it to spice up his room. Just the other day we had gone on an expedition to find an orange jumpsuit. It was found, and will never have the opportunity to be found again. Never the thrill of running through downtown Berkeley at night, only to sit down and eat pizza 2 hours past curfew. This Monda