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Showing posts from November, 2018

Poem about sf

The city is magical and the lights are grey Flags are swaying in that particular way Something is silent Waiting Whispering Holding on to that thing that makes it feel within Me I trust the toll will beep I trust that Monday I will get enough sleep The city beckons with great interaction Noticeable bending at the weight of our traction

Rotten poems

My hair still smells like rotten eggs I started crying while waiting for the bus I listen to music a lot more now I made her a playlist I told her I love her Did I fuck up She said she could def start loving me I fall in love so easily So fast We have had such a good time together When I look into her eyes I see glitter And so I think I did the right thing. I try not to share things to get a result I just want her to know someone loves her

Poems Bout a new home

How are you able to hold me all the way across the Atlantic How are you able to wipe away my tears And still tell me it is alright to cry How can you make me laugh so hard I forget the trauma How did I get so lucky To have found a place In hour You said you have never felt so lonely and bores In the cracks in my ceiling A feeling Of dripping Sounds enter my body Softly Lately I feel the holes envelop me I ask the world to squeeze me tighter Rock me and hold me Sway like the breeze I can then live in the cracks An upset mind With a sore body Squeezing in the abyss Home I have a sore throat but you bought me ginger My toenails are long but we have a clipper. I get too cold I have youe sweatpants I crave chocolate You have a stash This is homesick This is you being In small bits Here And I slowly feel home in my home

Poems about telling

I cried in a bar in Berlin I cried in a bar in Berlin for 30 minutes talking to you I cried in a bar In Berlin Because I tore open my chest for a new person And I am afraid it will be too squishy To mushy For them to ever love me back And my tears sting for all of it

Poems from Before

My bed smells like sweat and my lips taste like you Your fingers pressed around my neck is all I wanna do Looking into your eyes can make me melt and blush When I hear you say my name I turn into mush -senseless 10.6.18 Can you feel the messages I am trying to send With my hand on your thigh Your eyes close to mine The buzz of attraction in the space between our legs The experience of flying And being tied down in bed Holding onto a speck of gold Floating down a stream I thought it would ground me But still I run through the breeze Through twists and turns Contortions of the mind And sky I am somehow sitting here On cloud 9

Love poem to self

Your generosity fills the room Like warm water consuming my toes In a bath I drew long ago First learning the placement of my freckles Playing in the water I'd see Places I would hope to be And I would hug myself With dignity You help me refind that serenity Hidden deep inside A middle finger to the world Disguesed In flannel shirts and lavender oil Excitment for fantasy And saying what if Has never been more fun now that I have a wiff Of the smells of the future Musk of the air Someday I will be where the world is fair I layed down in the sun today Listened to lofi and collected my thoughts It was california weather in October It was October in Berlin And I was hot And wanted to feel the sun on my back So in full view of the dorm I took my shirt off with my chest pressed to the ground And lie Perfectly still Melting into the grass with the controversial skin I wear

Poems about the sweetness of a spark

Poems about the sweetness of a spark I just went on a date today His lips were soft and sweet He knew I was shy and he held my hand as our fingers tapped to the beat From the same landmass we were born and raised Seperated by the Panama canal How could he tell that I wanted him to hold me As I closed my eyes As the music swelled My foot throbs with blood Perfectly matching my heart When his fingers graced my thigh The exuberance and life in him Makes me really sigh When you wave goodbye on the m1 you can't see how wide my smile is But I blissfully stare out the window Dreaming of kissing your neck again Before you walked to the dumpling place My stomach jumped My heart raced And I greeted this feeling An old friend Nervous for the excitement of seeing you again