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Showing posts from September, 2019

Virgo season poem

On my phone scrolling through our past texts Cuz my new grindr fling also is using g chat In the month since you texted me out of the blue I have been whipped by fear That the longing wont stop And the scars wont heal And that whenever I get too comfortable Your voice will be there Telling me I am too much, too loud, that with too much I cared In the season since we last fucked, I wanted it to be done The tearing at my heart hadn't stopped hurting By the time I had gone Will the first dick ever remind me of the last ? Fuck you and your trickery From afar you still know how to burrow in me Away I cast you from my being. Its virgo season bitch and I must be a'cleaning With the power of the dirt and the fish that decompose I rid you of my being In my thoughts you can no longer roam I hope your partner finds this poem and tells u off Cuz hun you know it ain't fair to hit and run -fuck