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Writing Submissions

Up goes a burrito wrapper. I just saved the world yet again. Here are my writing submissions:
Bye, Bye Rainbow
            Hours of fun and game were ruined by a feeling of dread and guilt that made my head, heart, and limbs weak. A feeling of sorrow overwhelmed my whole entire body as I bent my head down like a giant turtle. But nothing could coax me out.
            My fish Rainbow was a fantastic marine creature! He expressed the word rain bow quite well. He was a brilliant shade of every color. He was a Beta and the best of his kind. I had numerous Beta fish before Rainbow, but I treated him the best, and he treated me with as much love as his little pin-sized heart would permit. He lived in a fish bowl in my bathroom, so everyday I would be able to see him.
             One joyous day, before preschool, I had extra time and I was feeling he then went back into the especially nice. My fish was in for a treat. I used to put him in different containers so that he would learn about the “outside world” (otherwise known as a pink cup and a glass bowl. After he swam around a bit in a container, back into his bowl he went. I sprinkled his food into his bowl, and he ate.
            When I was about to leave to eat my own breakfast, I had the most brilliant Idea ever or so I thought. I scoped Rainbow up in his favorite cup and took the ten steps toward our toilet. My pride was welling inside of me and I knew that Rainbow would be happy. Plop.

 Rainbow loved the giant space! He glided around the toilet like a graceful swan. He moved all over the place as I watched with glee. My smile widened as he kept on swimming throughout the bowl.
            “Time’s up” I said to Rainbow. My four year old hands reached into the water. In my right hand was rainbow’s favorite pink cup. Splash! Down went my hand and cup into the waster. I felt a shiver as I stroked his slimy skin. That was the last time I ever touched my beloved pet. He swam out of my grip with a sense of urgency. I watched with horror as he went into the pipes. My jaw dropped so low that a horse could fit through my mouth. A tear slid down my cheek as I tried to acquire this new information.
             My heart put on a drum solo as I thought of some excuse to say to Momma. I can’t spill the beans yet! Should I? Wait, no!  I thought. My heart was threatening to bring out the base drum and I couldn’t let Momma hear that racket! I flushed the toilet so that Momma wouldn’t hear my heart beating as loud as a heard of rhino.
             I grabbed my lunch and sulked out the door, trying to mask my feelings.
             The hours of preschool went by in the blink of an eye. I couldn’t bear telling Momma of Rainbow’s fate. My first ever secret was being kept and it felt horrible. After school I confessed. I poured my heart out and with it came a ton of grief and sorrow combined that made into a mixture that made my mouth seal shut after I was through. I explained that Rainbow had flopped out of the toilet. For a fish that’s more than a mile. Reasonable, right?

Here is another:
Shinning Fate
I sat there wondering, waiting listening for something; anything to distract me from the truth. I couldn’t I wouldn’t, I haven’t before. But I did, and I regret it with all my heat. I didn’t mean to, I really didn’t. I let my self go. I went, I wondered, I found my destination and sat. I thought I pondered, I did it.
I leapt from my hut which lay behind trees on the bank near my lake. I felt the cold water surround me and bring me the feeling I could do anything. My feeling grew as I swam deeper into the water. When I touched the soft crystal bottom like I always did, I felt a new feeling, connection.
 I had only two things I owned, my lake and my knowledge. I had the crystal waters of my lake and the knowledge of the stars. I know every constellation in the night sky and I would chart its beauty.
Nothing new has happened to me for years like this. Just the same old routine: Get up, walk outside of my hut, and look up at the stars, swim, sleep, and repeat. I would catch some crystals in the bottom and after a nice meal drift back off to my rhythmic sleep. In the winter I would study my lake and its inhabitants then crawl out onto the frozen waters and let my whole body freeze until spring. But this new connection I was feeling was undistinguishable.
Something was definitely happening, but what? I stoked my black hair and looked at my dark mocha skin. During my swim tonight, I hit the soft crystal bottom again. I slowly realized my fate, my destiny. I had to do what I started before. I had to help.
 I ran as fast as I could around my habitat, my mind racing on what I was going to do. I have finally turned 11 on my birthday of November 11th. The only thing different about thing birthday was that it was 11-11-11. No one told me, I never knew my parents. They abandoned me to fend for my self while others would learn form their elders. Maybe that’s why I am different…..
After my circumference of my lake, I dove into the water just as the time was 11:11 on my birthday. I touched the crystal bottom and slowly rose to the stars. I don’t know what compelled me, maybe it was me destiny. I didn’t know. My dark hair shimmered in the moonlight as I lifted to the night sky. Maybe that was my place. Yes, It was. I took my spot among the night sky, shinning as bright as I could to help strangers heading north, because I (which I figured out later) was the North Star.
I hope you like them! results soon. Also toady, some people are just made to be philosophers, are you one?



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