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Showing posts from May, 2012

Receiving the Unique Gift That Comes With Each Day

I bet you have heard the saying: Each day has a unique gift hidden within its minutes and hours. If you haven't heard of it, look at my calendar for May, it says it loud and clear! This is how you do it, look into the bright side of things and discover what didn't happen to you that did happen to you yesterday. Also, if you go throughout your day with the knowledge that there is a gift to that day, most chances are, it will tap you on the shoulder when you least expect it!

Summer Lessons of a Teenager, Preteen Girl

Hello 'Yall!  This weekend I was shopping at these really radical shops and I found a book on how to publish a children's book, and I am going to do it! I will call it Summer Lessons of a Teenage, Preteen Girl    Today I have two spring lessons of a preteen girl coming from the girl's (me) experiences herself! 1. Always have extra baby wipes and something that smells good in your locker, you will need it!- I know this because today we cleaned out our P.E lockers and it stunk in the locker room. Next year I will bring a bucket of perfume to spill on top of me; although that is WAY too may chemicals! 2. Don't pick up your friend's backpack and surprise her because it is at her seat. - Today I was eating lunch and my friend didn't get back from wherever she was so I put her backpack in her classroom for her. I then found out she spent about 10 minutes after lunch searching for it and was late to class. Sometimes you CAN be a little too nice. I hope you like

Secret Buddies

          Summer is coming up and to me that means secret buddies and vacation. You give notes and gifts to your secret buddy. Your buddy doesn't know that it is you though. That is why it is a secret . In my drama camp, we each fill out a slip and put it in a hat to chose. The slip lists what the person enjoys. Every day, you are supposed to give your buddy something. Usually there is a competition to see who can be the best secret buddy. I believe it doesn't matter how much stuff you give them, just how much thought and creativity you put into the gift. For example, once someone gave my friend a stuffed bear with everything they liked duck taped to it. It was a riot! I wish I got one, so next year I will give something even greater than that to my buddy to be! The fun part of secret buddies is the surprise. You can start this fun in only a few steps! This buddy system can be set up at school, day camp, office, home, or between kids you baby sit. For instance, every time you

What to do with Styrofoam

You just bought that new HD wide screen TV and with it came what you think is 20 pounds of Styrofoam. What do you do with it? You create art! Here is what you do: 1. Get a glue gun 2. Create inspiration 3. Put Styrofoam, inspiration, and your glue gun on a large table. 4. Glue away! Tips: . Make sure you get a lot of back up glue sticks, they get used up FAST! . Have scissors at hand for quick snips . Glitter is a must . If you want to paint them, use contrasting colors . You don't have to make Something , you can just make a Thing or an It . Have Fun!!!


Over the last few weeks I have been disposing of litter in various places and will list the items now! Chocolate wrapper and bag, cheese wrapper, straw, straw wrapper, can of root beer, five pieces of paper, flyer and much more!

Reasons to do "Nothing"

.Why not? .meditation can strengthen every aspect of your being .nothing requires focus to become one with yourself which is very  hard to do. With all of the thoughts swimming around in your brain, to eliminate all of them is to really understand your purpose .It is rejuvenating .It is calming .You don't have to do "anything"

How to make a Giggle appear and my lucky number

When you can tell your friend isn't having the best day, these are some of the things you should do: Be Aware, You have most likely never heard of them 1. Make a silly card and present it to them (I did it and she practically cried, of laughter of course!) 2. Write a poem about their uncle's left toe's whereabouts or something else in that genre 3. Draw a picture of a surreal landscape (Willy Wonka anyone?) give it to them 4. Write a note in their notebook or binder about your pet frog sucking his thumb the other night...................... 5. Share an experience together 6. TICKLE FIGHT!!!!! 7. Pretend to be something you're not EX: A cat or a monkey with a shoe obsession 8. Do a jig 9. Make weird noises Nine is my lucky number, so I will stop there. It is my lucky number because if you add the digits of 121212121212121212121212, then you will get 36 and if you add that, it is 9. It changes every year depending on my age. And yes, I love math! Noti


How do you save the world? well, there is somewhere to start: your family. After that, your school, community, city, state/providence, country, continent, hemisphere, then world! That is only eight steps, we can do it. All we need is motivation. So, I made motivation. Click on this link:      Thanks!

The Power of a Smile

  In the past two weeks, our school has been working on our gymnastics routines and today was the performance. My words of advice: SMILE!!!!!We got loads of comments on how good we were and allthat jazz. It is because of our SMILES. Smiles make everything look better; from a dance to a first impression. So, show those pearly whites!


Wow! I was riding my bike with my dog and we came upon this rare snake! I freaked out at first,  and then I realized how cool it was. This I find is how I react to most things. Usually I am worried, or over-exited,  and then I realize what is really behind the wrapping. Things like these appear all the time. For instance, all ads about getting a new I Pad are just crazy, it is just the creators' need for money that lures you into the trap. How do you know if it is a trick? Well just think... the brain is amazing. So, use it!

Coffee isn't key

Alternative energy sources, for the mind.......Food isn't the only energy source out there.  There are other ways to feel energized besides eating a ton of candy or drinking a liter of coffee. For example, any form of exercise is worthwhile as well as drinking lots of water. Taking a hot shower works as well as having a mint. Remember, coffee isn't key, it can even make your body feel worse!

Mental Health Days

Mental Health Day. No, it is not an official holiday; and I am not mentally ill. It is just that sometimes, people need a day to reboot. In our household, Three days a school year are devoted to this pastime. Why not spend a day thinking about what you've accomplished and how you have made the world a better place. Three questions I ask myself on these days are: How have I made the world a better place? What is the thing that makes me the most happy today? and What my favorite question is. These questions are good questions to ask yourself when you want to reset your compass or have a few minutes. Answers will always very and that is for the better.

Back Then.....

          In one day the world can change for a rabid squirrel. It may die in a ferocious attack with a raccoon or have a baby. Two days ago a squirrel our family loved and respected died. It was in an attack with an animal but at least will have a proper burial. In my post: Strange Animals, he is pictured on our glass door. My sister named him Certrue because????????????????? I hope he rests in peace and his babies will be OK. Certrue, we loved you!

Self Confidence

Self confidence is not an easy mountain to climb. What you feel about yourself determines how you function in life. I believe in myself and I am a very outgoing person. There is an app out that determines how beautiful. But how would they know? They can't analyze your soul and find all of your philosophies be taking on picture. Self confidence is a must in this go-get it world. If you laugh at your mistakes and just go with the flow, there will be no problem.       For example, I have a swollen eye and it is almost swollen shut. I am trying to recover, but if it doesn't work , then I guess I will have to go to school with a strange eye. Many will probably judge me, but I know that I am beautiful on the inside. I don't care about the out.     There are two important lessons hidden in between the lines of this post: 1. Don't judge you or others 2. You are beautiful

Blessings in a Backpack

What if your friend has no access to food on weekends? Many children in the U.S.A are hungry on the weekends. The reason is they can't afford food and on the weekdays they receive free food from their school. By donating 80$ a year, a child will be feed through out the school year with your donated money! I am going to do it and so should you. Here is the link:

Purple Bangs and Inspiration

Before: After: I got my bangs dyed purple! It was a really great experience. I like it because I used inspiration from a book: (the yelling girl) and it worked just as planned. This proves when you have a vision, all you have to do is get it accomplished. To some, the act of dyeing their hair is a milestone to becoming a " teenager". Personally, I only think it means being more colorful. This act of hair dyeing is not permanate  for life and is fun too!. So, by all means, dye your hair. If not, then you can also get feathers. Don't get them at a salon,but buy them online and follow the instructions. It is way cheaper. You can also dye your hair with Kool Aid if you want to save money in that area. Sadly, Kool Aid only works with light colored hair. I hope you use inspiration to your advantage!


Try, Try, Try again. Even if you succeed! Today at school there was a singing contest and my friend was not so sure about doing it. She decided to do it and good for her. She won. You see, once you try, there is no harm. Take risks and have fun doing them. That doesn't include doing things against the law! Effort and perseverance are two skill needed to obtain even the smallest feat. So remember, practice makes better!

Smelly Markers

You can draw, smell, write and color with them! But, by all means, DO NOT lick them! They taste like chemicals. But, I love them. They are amazing and lift my sorts. Plus, they are so bold, just like me. OK I promise I am not doing an add......they are just so fabulous! Anyone else agree?