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Showing posts from September, 2012

KIVA wowa!

I discovered an amazing thing. There is this website ( that lends loans to those in need ALL around the world! I just loaned a man 25$ in Africa to buy a new sewing machine! The best part is, he will pay me back, and I can give that 25$ to another who needs it, or withdraw my money! Isn't that fantastic? It is outstanding, amazing, exciting, and revolutionary! He only needs nine more people to help. You could be one of them. In the long run, it won't cost you a dime, but it might change a life. Let's do it!!!

I love you Russians!

Boy oh Boy! Girl oh Girl! I sure do love Russians! I know I have told a lot of my friends and family about my blog, but who knew that 42 people in Russia have seen my blog! 42! that is 2x21! Maybe it is because my ancestors were from there. It may be possible that I have a whole other branch of family in Eurasia! COOL! I totally  love how much I love this! Little things like this make me oh so happy. The surprises in like are some of the best events. As Mary Oliver said "Instructions for living a life:  Pay attention.   Be astonished.   Tell about it." Thank You Cypress for that amazing quote!

The Charm Explosiveness

I have found a new hobby...............................Charm necklaces!!!! I have discovered a really simple way of making art. I went to Michles, bought some charms, a necklace to hold them, and I did it! It is quite easy, try it! buy/find a -chain -two charms that represent you Now that you have everything, put the charms on the chain and BABAM! you just made yourself a necklace!

Running, Skipping, Hopping and Leaping for Education

This last last Sunday I ran/walked/skipped/leaped for education. Our city was having a race so my whole family decided to participate. I probably got last place, but who cares? I made a new friend, littered for the first time when I threw my cup on the ground( I wanted to pick all the cups up!), cheered my family and random people on, and was a winner at heart. I even leaped over the finish line! Here is a picture of all of my family, winners.

Car Ride Observations

Driving on and on on sweet smoth freeway.Ahhhhhhh. Nice. But, what do you do with nothing to do ? You become a scientist and make observations ! This weekend trip is going to be amazing because my whole family (Momma, Datty, Mia and Me ) are going to see a Dan Zanes concert. In case you don't know, he is a crazy man who plays jazz and country music for kids. You may be thinking that I am not a kid anymore. Totally NOT true. I will forever be young. But do I want to live forever? Forever young. Hehehe. There is some music reference for you. Here are my observation from my trip to the concert.:) . Roads look like pants .Dan Zanes wrote a song about thrift stores, and now I am in love . The closest WalMart to us is a half an hour away. Yaaaa. No nasty cemicals near me thank you very much .yes on prop 37 .I can post on my kindle which is really cool becase then I can post on road trips like right now .Pants look like roads That is all for now. Have a fantamic day.

Summer Adventures in a Jar, Picture Style! ( Part 1)

Welcome one and welcome all! To my summer of pictures. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Wohooooooooooooooooooo. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but is a word worth a thousand pictures? What about the word love? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? OK, enough with the tough life questions, here is my life. This was a summer to remember. I created so much art, went to an antique fair, had fun at the mystery spot, created so many memories at Camp Kessem and Kefli, and took so many pictures of random things that you may get a crack out of. To top it off at the end, I created a DIY project for everyone to remember their summers. funny Hannah!!! Says hi to Clifford peaceful mountains and a homemade hat! ( you cut a circle of a t-shirt with two strips coming down then cut some fringes on top, tie them, braid the straps, and voila! ) circle of love Me with a blindfold and watergun...... family at farmers market! fork and toilet seat, not the best combo s

Banana Unicorn!!!

On a scale of 1-10 in amazingness, how fabulous is this? It made me feel better this week because I have had a really bad fever and had to miss school. Fortunately, someone fantastic e-mailed me a picture of this, and it made my day. Here is a question to ponder, why are hamburgers called hamburgers? They are not even made of ham. Hope you have a nice and wacky day.

I Like the Song Stuck in my Head

La de da, do de ha ha. I hum the tune of a camp song that gives me joy.  I whistle the tune. Rit rooo reee rooee. Now I will sing it. THIS IS A REPETE AFTER ME SONG (Repeat that) Deep inside my heart I've got this   (Now you try) Everlasting love (I can't hear you) It's shinning, like the sun (Now you've got the hang of it!) It radiates on everyone (Come on!) And the more that I give, the more I've got to give (There you go) It's the way that I live (Use those vocal cords) It's what I'm living for, bum (Let’s sing it together) If you would like to sing this song along with people just like you, go to: Cut and Paste the link then click on "audio"  What a great message! This camp has been stuck in my head FOREVER. But, I love it. It reminds me to always be nice, thrust my soul into life, and above all, be happy. There are so many songs out there that express precise virtues. The