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Showing posts from October, 2012


I just wanted to say, thank you thank you to all of the people out there who have read this blog for the first time, and to Sienna who became a member, Thanks

Amazing Forward I Recived. Spread the Love

I got influenced so much from e-mail, and so will you. Spread the word. Subject: Fwd: A grateful heart a garden is. If you never learn the language of gratitude, you will never be on speaking terms with happiness.                   A father and mother kissing their dying little girl goodbye.  If you are wondering why all the medic people are bowing: in less than an hour, two small children in the next room are able to live thanks to the little girl's kidney and liver.    

Spread the Love Cards.

Hi!!!! It is me. I just invented right this second a new way to make people happy. It is called the spread the love card. It is a card (piece of paper that is somewhat decorated) and a message  There you go. But, that's not all. On your decorated piece of paper, you write a message  What does this message say you ask? Well, it complements someone on how unique, creative, funny, smart, talented, amazing (etc.) they are. All you have to do is: 1. decorate a piece of paper -stickers -drawings -scrap book paper (anything counts) 2. write an confidence boster -examples on top 3. write on the very bottom (You have been a recipient of a spread the love card. to keep the chain going,  write to someone else a card. Instructions at Keep the chain going! You are AMAZING!

Abolish Slavery! You can help!

Slavery is such a horrible thing and it is very hard to believe that it still exists. Many slaves are children, and will forever be forced to work in horrible conditions. That is why I created a semi easy way to help abolish slavery. Print out the form below (double sided) and put it on people's mailboxes or under their door mat. DON'T put them in the mailboxes because that is illegal. Fill in your name where it says name, and start printing, posting, and possibilities are endless. Please DO NOT buy  from Hershey this Halloween. Hi there!         My name is name and I am your neighbor. You many know me because bla bla bla I am a blank grader at school and I like to be worldly aware. I heard that Hersey's chocolate is made with child labor. I try not to consume this candy because it is made by child slaves. These children never go to school, have only tattered clothes, and are paid in food. Many have not even tasted chocolate! Please read this article from h

Rainbow....On My Head? and my Petitions to stop Yuck!

Yes Siree, I have a rainbow on my head. No more purple hair, but a rainbow of magic. It was really easy to do. I had to rub dye into my hair with gloves, put tin foil on it, let it sit for a half an hour, and KABLAMO. It was finished, and I had a rainbow doo. I used Manic Panic Hair Dye ( ). Manic Panic is vegan, and doesn't have any bad chemicals, so it follows my philosophy of:  "No genetically altered substances in or on my body please!" Speaking of which, I started a petition to not have genetically altered food in school lunches. It is so gross to have fake food. YUCK! So, I decided to act on it, and so can you! Just click on the link, and spread the word.   I also started one for Styrofoam lunch trays because of the blob of trash in the ocean. YUCK, YUCK!

Spread the word

Oh please please please spread the word about my blog. I want all of the world to know about how they can help change the world. Thank you. P.S.Tell three people and then tell them to tell three people and tell those people to tell three people. Then all these people will happy to the third power ( if that makes sense ) :)

Hyper Hannah? Happy Hannah!

Wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It is 10 at night on a Wednesday  the best of times. I am a night person and sometimes a morning one and sometimes I am not even a person! ( no way, is that true? ) Yes voice in the back of my head, it is true! Sometimes I am different (OMG! What are you, a vampire or something?) Nope! I am a unicorn. Good night.