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Showing posts from December, 2012

Biodegradable Lunch Trays

Those of you who have eaten cafeteria food know what horrible substance schools are serving it on: Styrofoam. (Dun Duh Daaaa) It is known to cause cancer and will never ever decompose. That means if schools keep serving on this material, our planet won't be called the blue planet it will be called the garbage planet and we will all have to live on space ships and be fat like in the movie Walle But, that won't have to happen if we talk to our schools about switching to Biodegradable trays. To help with the process, I created a sheet to present with your principal or PTA. Good luck and tell me how it goes! Biodegradable Styrofoam Guide Fundraising Ideas -Bake Sale -


I wanted to thank you so very much for my wonderful present you readers have given me. Let me explain to you what it is in a riddle: I can't hold it, I can't smell it, I can't eat it, I can't  hug it, but I can mentally hug them, It is...............................YOU HAVE GIVEN ME OVER 200 VIEWS THESE PAST FEW DAYS!!! That is more than I received in my first two months!!! What a fantastic present you have given me. My Nana helped me achieve this goal by posting about my blog on her article in the huffington post. I think that it is really  good. . I love these presents oh so much and I love you readers as well none of this would be possible without you. I first thought that this blog would be something my friends would check up on once and a while but it has exploded into something bigger than that. All because of you.


I hope that right at this very moment you are wondering how to say happy holidays in different languages, or about a pooping log. Well, don't worry I will quench you thirsty brain. Fist, Happy Holidays. Today is Christmas Eve and I will be going to visit family!! Any fun plans for you readers? I wish you peace and love:) Second, Languages: Say Happy Holidays!  In   French : Joyeuses Fêtes! Say Happy Holidays! In  Spanish : Felices Fiestas! Say Happy Holidays! In  Swedish : Trevlig Helg! Say Happy Holidays! In  Portuguese : Boas Festas! Say Happy Holidays! In  Turkish : Mutlu Bayramlar! Say Happy Holidays! In  Romanian : Sarbatori Fericite! Say Happy Holidays! In  Mandarin : Jie Ri Yu Kuai Say Happy Holidays! In  Catalan : Bones Festes! Say Happy Holidays! In  Japanese : Tanoshii kurisumasu wo! (Have a happy Christmas) Say Happy Holidays! In  Italian : Buone Feste! Say Happy Holidays! In  South African (Xhose )*: Ii holide eximnandi Say Happy Holidays! In  Ge

Bye Yaga, Hi Iris

If you don't know this, I have a thing for rainbows. I really really like them. I wear, smell, eat, breath , and see them and It is all breathtaking. (get that) So, naturally when I got my gecko two years ago I named her keshet which means rainbow in Hebrew  I haven't been able to give her as much love as I should, so I gave her to a pet store with people who know a lot about her species, so I feel safe, and I know she's being taken care of. Here is the link to the pet store : In return I got a pet fish named Iris. He is really pretty. I named him Iris because Irises are purple like him and because Iris is the Greek goddess of rainbows. You see.... I wanted to show you some pictures of my visit and of a rainbow. Happy Holidays


THIS IS MY 100th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! exciting huh? Happy Birthday to you you're almost 100 and 2 you look like a monkey and smell like one too. I will now fill the rest of the page with 100 100s. P.S. If I live to be 100 and 1, I will have lived in three centuries!!! 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100  Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Becoming 100 must be really great because I got published in a magazine  OMG. It is called KIKI and here is the link to buying the magazine...and their website:

French Post part 2

Je suis Happy Hannah. Je suis comme arcs en ceil. Et toi? Je suis americaine, sociable, et n'est pas egoiest. Je suis dans collage a la California et comme ecole. Je suis une Franciase eleve. Mon prof est fantastique! Au revoir!

Secret Snowflake

Make a difference this holiday season, and become a secret snowflake. Each person is unique, just like a snowflake, and each person can make a unique difference this season. Hanukkah starts on the 8th, Christmas on the 25th and Kwanzaa on the 26th. This year, give gifts of compassion, not greed. Give gifts of help, not horrors. The children our there working in sweat shops, making chocolate, and lifting bricks just need someone like you to change your lives. This is the time. NOW. So, using the resources below, get a responsible gift for your loved one, a gift of love, freedom, and hope. Change on. : Loans that change lives. Use micro-financing to help someone in need, halfway across the world by giving a gift card so your recipient can make a difference. : Give a donation in someone's honor, or buy your mom a beautiful necklace that will help those who made it to dig themselves out of poverty. : Give an animal to someone in n

Take Action Camp

This may seem kinda crazy................but that is what I am. I am already thinking about summer. Gosh, I guess it is all this cold weather. In the summer, there is going to be this camp called take action camp. It is put on by Free the Children and Me to We to teach leadership skills, how to change the world and other AMAZING things. I am going to go and I am really excited. You should come too. Here is the link: this camp is the key to creating world peace and of course happiness. Also, if you are feeling selfless today ( that doesn't mean you are a ghost or don't have a body [ when I first heard the word that is what I thought] , it means you are generous, caring, and look out for others ) pick up a FANTASTIC book as well. It is called Me to We and is all about the philosophy to give back and enjoy life. Great book. Well, have fun, eat yummy pancakes and don't worry, be happy :):):):):)