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Take Action Camp

This may seem kinda crazy................but that is what I am. I am already thinking about summer. Gosh, I guess it is all this cold weather. In the summer, there is going to be this camp called take action camp. It is put on by Free the Children and Me to We to teach leadership skills, how to change the world and other AMAZING things. I am going to go and I am really excited. You should come too. Here is the link: this camp is the key to creating world peace and of course happiness. Also, if you are feeling selfless today ( that doesn't mean you are a ghost or don't have a body [ when I first heard the word that is what I thought] , it means you are generous, caring, and look out for others ) pick up a FANTASTIC book as well. It is called Me to We and is all about the philosophy to give back and enjoy life. Great book. Well, have fun, eat yummy pancakes and don't worry, be happy :):):):):)


  1. I like Summer! My b-day is in Feb and once, it rained! I rather have a party during the summer because I will be able to have a pool party and if it's too hot and all the water in the pool goes away, I can skate board in it (haha!)!

  2. Oh yeah I have a question, you don't have to answer it just saying. Anyways, I have a blog too and I only have 722 viewers. I had this blog for two months or more and no one has been comenting and when i looked at the stats, when it says audience it only had 2 people in German looking at my blog. I used have ppl in South Korea looking at it but then it isn't there anymore =( how can i get more ppl to read my blog without forcing them? I'd like to see my blog because I also give tips in my blog and if they need help, they can go to this blog =3

    1. I think all it takes is some fun colors, or a theme. A nice layout, correct spelling, and telling all your friends. I only had about 200 views when I had my blog for two months. It sounds like you are off to a great start! Keep your chin up, and believe in yourself. You're already ahead of the game.

    2. Thanks so much! My friend had a blog but then she quit and when she still had one, I asked her a lot of blog questions. Now i passed my questions to you =D im not going to log in because im to lazy haha!

  3. Anonymous - you should have logged in to leave your comments here! Hannah's blog is linked in her grandmother's article featured on the homepage of AOL which is how I found myself here. When reading the comments, I was ready to check out your blog next but you haven't signed in or left a link.. help us find you and get you some more views!

    Smiles :)

    1. I don't quite understand what you are saying. I will leave a link to my grandmother's post on my next post if that's what you mean. Either way, thank you for helping me find more viewers! People like you that help spread the word am so grateful for. Thank's for having such a big heart.


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Thank you so much for making a comment. It should be published in the next couple days .Have a Happy day!

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