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Showing posts from March, 2013

Multicultural Spring Egg Craft

Some rainbow water, a white crayon, and an egg walk into a restaurant. Have you heard this one before? I didn't think so. The result: another rainbow DIY project!!! No matter what religion you are or what you believe in, if you are reading this blog, most chances are you'd love this project. By representing the spring and rainbows, what could be a better project for the end of Winter? What you need: -water -water colors/paint/anything else that you can dissolve to make colored water -eggs( drained or hard boiled) How to: -a white crayon (it finally has its moment to shine) - masking/ duct tape -hands ready to get messy Step 1. Make your dye by poring in your selected colorful substance into water Step 2. Draw on your egg with the crayon I drew a face on mine Step 3 Dye! Dip your eggs into your glasses of dye. Let them sit there for 10 minutes, then

Marshmallow Snack

The squishy, tasty, yummy things. They appear in all sorts of places. Hot coco, my mouth, and rice crisps. Currently, in my mouth. Yum. I've done a bit of research on the subject. I mean, what is a marshmallow  Are they really made of pig feet? YUCK! Here's what I got: . There is a marshmallow plant as shown to the right  .The marshmallow plant root was used to cure sore throats . The first use of marshmallows was in Egypt .The French later adopted the recipe and added egg whites and rose water .Modern Marshmallows don't use the Marshmallow plant, but gelatin. .OH MY GOSH!!!! . I just discovered that gelatin is made of ANIMAL HIDES!!! . I just thought that was a rumor.... . Ahhhhh! . I am never eating marshmallows again! . Hey, there are VEGAN marshmallows. .Yaaa! . Here is the website: Okay. I learned a lot in my research, and I will now eat vegan marshmallows. How about you?

Project Rainbow is ONE!!!

It's been a full year since I started my beloved blog. I wanted to share all the good in the world and this was my outlet. I want to thank whoever's reading this right now. Because of you, I keep writing, you inspire me to smile, and hope and dream. Thanks for believing in this blog and in me. As a birthday present to the world I am doing a question session. If you have any question about life, my blog or, the world, comment and it will be answered. Have a happy St. Patrick's Day are some Pictures that are sure to give you a smile  Santa Buddah  3 year old reading Twilight                                                             A troll with awesome hair  You can be tow matter too!  Laughing mouse pretzel, I love the combonation  Lip gloss as tiny as my thumb  Muppet band-aids  Trash can, Hawaiian style  seriously, do  so many choices! The pasta loves you

Veganism...a way of life

Veganism....a Way of Life A meat eaters vocabulary: Meat- n. The flesh of an animal as food. Vegetables- n. A plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean. A Vegans Vocabu lary: Tofu- a soybean protein that goes well with everything. Vegetables: The basis of our diet that our parents don’t make us eat, we eat willingly. Veganism: a, organic, tasty, healthy, eco- friendly, cruelty-free, and energizing way of life. There are so many benefits of being a vegan. First is the immense health benefit. In fact, going vegan reduces and reverses the chance of cancer and heart disease. It also prevents obesity, and lowers blood pressure. It even strengthens the immune system preventing even more viruses and bacteria as well as adding lots of yummy vitamins. Besides the illnesses that come with being an omnivore, by switching your eating habits, you will feel more energized. When I switched, I felt much more


I wrote these poems in honor of the Japanese who created the mystical haiku. Curently I am in a magically beautiful place and I want to share my awe with the world. It can be white, brown But don't eat if it's yellow Play,Laugh,Build in me!   Sparkles in the sun Radiates cool warmth oh ah Can't wait to feel  Many mystical vibes  Maybe faries dwelt in thy Soon I'll find out yay Can you guess where I am? A snowy wonderland.  Now you can experience the sights and sounds with me. I hope you had fun, and I'll see you soon.  P.S do you have any crazy snow stories ? If so, comment away and we can all share your fun