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Veganism...a way of life

Veganism....a Way of Life
A meat eaters vocabulary: Meat- n. The flesh of an animal as food. Vegetables- n. A plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean. A Vegans Vocabulary: Tofu- a soybean protein that goes well with everything. Vegetables: The basis of our diet that our parents don’t make us eat, we eat willingly. Veganism: a, organic, tasty, healthy, eco- friendly, cruelty-free, and energizing way of life.
There are so many benefits of being a vegan. First is the immense health benefit. In fact, going vegan reduces and reverses the chance of cancer and heart disease. It also prevents obesity, and lowers blood pressure. It even strengthens the immune system preventing even more viruses and bacteria as well as adding lots of yummy vitamins. Besides the illnesses that come with being an omnivore, by switching your eating habits, you will feel more energized. When I switched, I felt much more awake, and ready for my day. To add a few more amazing things, going on a plant based diet will reduce infertility risk, and add 15 years to your life!
When you go veg-based, the environment will thank you. By getting rid of all the animals you’d be consuming, the gases they emit, the waste they produce, the diseases they get, and all the pollution from the factories where they get slaughtered, packed, and shipped will disappear. To start, this means that 3,433 billion hectares of land willed be freed up, resulting in saving 80% of the cleared Amazon rainforest from grazing animals. Plus, half the world’s grain supply won’t be used to feed animals. In fact, it could be used to feed starving people and is the solution for world hunger! To add to this, It stops 80% of global warming, saves 4.5 tons of pollution per US house per year, uses ⅓  less fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil)  used for animal production, and maintains cleaner water and air. Want to make no impact? Well, this is the diet for you.
Eating meat isn’t just hurting you, it’s killing 60 billion animals worldwide each year. Their destiny in life is to be put in your stomach, all the while making you unhealthy and harming the world that they live in. Some chickens have so many hormones in their breasts that they are unable to move, and their bodies fail them because they can’t support such enlarged tissue. They then die and pass illnesses onto other chickens because of the minimal space between them. A chicken can’t even lay down!  To “solve” this disease spreading, farmers inject antibiotics into the chickens and all of these hormones, sicknesses, and antibiotics are then passed to us. How does that sound as a nice “ healthy dinner?”  By replacing meat with veggies, these animals will be spared, and 60% of biodiversity loss will be prevented.  What’s the harm? To animals,humans, and the environment: none.
Many animals are being killed so young, for no reason than to be feed to us. In the process they waste precious resources from our earth, and poison the consumers. The solution: have meatless mondays, go vegetarian or even better, vegan. Why? Simply, it will change your life dramatically; and for the better. By switching the way you eat, you’ll be helping  reduce animal cruelty, saving the earth, and healing your own body. It even gives you a higher IQ. What more could you want? GO VEG!!!

A lot of questions arise from deciding whether to make the switch. I have been asked the following two, and I will proceed to answer to the best of my abilities. If there are any more, email me at

Q: What about free range, organic, kosher chickens, and what’s the harm there?
A: Free range means that they keep only a door open in the coop. That’s all. When its organic it won’t be injected with medicine, but it can still catch disease. Meat in general is high in bad fats, doesn’t have a lot of fiber, and the same amount of some bean soup will reverse your risk of cancer and is a great meal too. Same with chicken that is free range and organic. Sugar is bad for you, and so is organic sugar. Compare it to that.
Q: Where’s all the protein?
A: Legumes are a huge source of protein: beans, lentils, and more! * In the resources it explains a bit more




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