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Showing posts from November, 2013

Rainy Night Writing

There is something quite different about writing when it is raining outside than when it isn't. I despise my frozen toes and fingers, yet I love drinking chocolate almond milk with banana bread. It seems almost enchanting, like creativity is plopping on your rooftop. Writing in the rain, so odd. Writing in the rain It is like laughing during a thunder cloud, in perfect harmony with nature, rhyming and paralleling the weather, writing in the rain, creativity pours from you, as you hear the pitter patter, you wonder where the drops will all go, writing in the rain, a clean slate to begin again, a downpour of ideas, soon to come again, I love writing in the rain.

Why Do I Dye My Hair? Part 1

        "Why did you dye your hair?"I get asked this question quite a lot. I wrote a post about what first inspired me to do so  here . But how did it all play out? How did my parents react? What were my rules, boundaries? How did I go from bangs to all of my head? These questions shall all be answered shortly....              All started with a graphic novel as most things do (not). I was reading a really great book with a really kookie character that had purple bangs. I really liked how she presented herself and acted. I identified with her confidence, fashion sense, and a whole bunch of other things. If you want to read this book click  here . It was spring break of '12 if I remember correctly. I had just finished the book, and thought those bangs Claudia had were so cool! I remember asking my parents, half joke, half truth, if I could dye my bangs purple.  I was flabbergasted when they said yes! I was so excited I jumped around and did a happy dance. I was at my g

Pictures of My Hair ( Fall and Late Summer)

Humongous BOOK!!! and How You Can Give Books To Those That Need Them

I think that might have been the longest post tittle on my blog. It goes along with the biggest book I have ever seen! Picture below It is huge! In relation, you can make a huge difference by holding a book drive at your school. In the US there are so many kids who don't have any books at home, and they are probably communities right by you that would love some books. Also, you can provide school supplies for a child overseas  here  . Come up with some more great ideas and post them in the comments!

I love this video

Lets have the next generation be accepting! 

Baby Pandas

If you need an awwwwww moment, here you go. also, I have a pintrest, check it out!

Loving Everyone

A smile is worth more than gold in my eyes. A laugh more than diamonds. I love to crack jokes and see my friends eyes twinkle soooo much. I love to give people cards that say "you are awesome" or "you are beautiful" I love to ride my bike and blow bubbles at people passing by. I love to make people smile. The other day I had some spare time in history class and made some hearts with the words "you are awesome !" written on them. I passed them out to friends and also dropped a few. My friend came up to me today and asked if I was the one who left a note on her chair that made her day. I said yes, and she thanked me. I live for those moments. I love how others do as well. There is no bad side to making someone smile, there really isn't. So.... -give someone a complement -write little notes buy yourself and friends some you are beautiful stickers ( they receive the Happy Hannah seal of approval because they are awesome!)