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Why Do I Dye My Hair? Part 1

       "Why did you dye your hair?"I get asked this question quite a lot. I wrote a post about what first inspired me to do so here. But how did it all play out? How did my parents react? What were my rules, boundaries? How did I go from bangs to all of my head? These questions shall all be answered shortly....
             All started with a graphic novel as most things do (not). I was reading a really great book with a really kookie character that had purple bangs. I really liked how she presented herself and acted. I identified with her confidence, fashion sense, and a whole bunch of other things. If you want to read this book click here. It was spring break of '12 if I remember correctly. I had just finished the book, and thought those bangs Claudia had were so cool! I remember asking my parents, half joke, half truth, if I could dye my bangs purple.  I was flabbergasted when they said yes! I was so excited I jumped around and did a happy dance. I was at my grandparent’s house at the time, and after we left, we'd make an appointment at the local salon, and get my bangs dyed! For the first time, my parents wanted it done in a salon, so I wouldn't hurt myself.      
        I distinctly remember the day that I dyed my hair for the first time because the feeling of immense excitement made me feel like I was going to burst. After school, my Momma picked me up and we went to get my hair dyed.  After, when we got home, my family liked it because purple was subtle, and not too in your face.
            As my hair slowly faded, we made another appointment to get it done. Mind you, getting your hair dyed is very costly. $30 at a time for me (EXPENSIVE!!!). The second time around, after the appointment, we bought the remaining hair dye. When it faded, my Momma dyed my hair in the bathroom. It was a disaster! Hair dye got everywhere and we had to use bleach to clean it up. Then the rule of using the garage sink was established. I now have the entire garage sink and surrounding area if I keep it neat to use to dye my hair. And, that is exactly what I did (and do). I continued dyeing my hair purple in the garage for the next few months.
        Then, August came. I was doing a little research, and I found something miraculous. No bad chemicals, vegan, good price, not animal tested, amazing colored hair dye appeared right in my face. It was fate. I had found Manic Panic. I asked my parents if I could order some, to experiment with and make different patterns. I had now entered the unsubtle zone. My parents agreed, but I couldn't dye it bright red, or orange, or yellow because that wouldn't look good. I happily obliged.
        That year until June of '13, I dyed my bangs all sorts of colors. I'd get inspiration from everything. Rainbows, grass, the sky, even my crazy troll! It was always an ongoing joke "oh ya, if Hannah could dye her whole head rainbow, she would!" It was never taken seriously, until I asked.
            I made a prezi, stated pros and cons (you can find the prezi here) and they said yes. I bought the bleach, dyed my hair, and from then on, I have been dying my whole head rainbow.
          I love dying my hair because it lets me express my creativity, and it isn't permanent. I love the smiles it creates. That is the ultimate goal. To create and boost happiness. Once I heard a little girl whisper to her mom "Momma, that girl has rainbow hair!" I smiled back, and hope she just got a little happier.


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