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A Poem about Racism

Recently I read a really good book called Black, White, Other . I randomly picked it off the shelf of our local library, and it has plunged me into a world that I barley scratched, and a problem that needs immediate attention. Racism. My huger for knowledge made me seek out books like My Sister's Voices and It's Not All Black and White as well as Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match. I woke up today and had a verse in my head for a poem about Racism, so here it is. 

          I am white, yes that's true,
But I am green, I am blue
I am orange, yellow, purple, pink
I am rainbow, that’s what I think

In the halls I hear
People being criticized because they are queer
Or being lighter than the rest
Or being darker, it is such a mess

Race is such and ugly thing
It separates Goldstein from Ming
It makes people create racial slurs
It makes me want to hurl

Yet, culture is a beautiful thing
It makes us more connected to who we are, and keeps us wondering

Being the only one in your class who celebrates Passover can be a burden
 But it can also be loads of fun when you play dreidel and keep them learning'

Unfortunately a "dis-culture" is taking over our lives
Materialism, it gives me hives
Stuff is not a religion nor culture
Buts it’s invading our minds making us think more more more

We have to push it away and learn of our ancestry, no need for it to stay
Money cannot buy happiness it can't buy pride, 
We have to manifest that inside

When race drizzles away 
When culture blooms
I will be there smiling like a loon

For I am white, yes that's true,
But I am green, I am blue
I am orange, yellow, purple, pink
I am rainbow, that’s what I think


  1. Hey, Hannah! I am so proud of you for writing that! You are on the right track, girl!! Have you ever heard of the National Rainbow PUSH Coalition"? It was started by the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who launched it after he ran for president in 1984. The purpose of the Coalition was to seek equal rights for all Americans -- the whole Rainbow of us! It included demands for social programs, voting rights, and affirmative action for minority groups. How do you like that?! Keep up the good research, and see more at:


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