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Showing posts from February, 2014

Plastic Bags

I highly Enjoy this video, and I hope you do to! Plastic bags are a huge problem, and this mockumentery explains it all.

Reader Poetry

I was submitted this beautiful poem, and so I thought I should share it with all of you! It was written by a reader: Alyssa. I hear the cries in the halls, the constant falls, no heed for the "lesser" we just watch as they fall, falling into nothingness it seems, living life as a continuous bad dream, just when infinite slumber feels so much more real, red sparks, blue sparks begin to reveal, reveal the light in a rainbow where hope becomes real. If you have any poetry, art, or anything that you'd like to share, please use the my contact form, and I can post it on my blog. Think of my blog of a canvas that gets spattered with all different colors forming a masterpiece of positive energy.

We Day!

                   The room is pulsing with energy. 900 people gathered into one room all  connected by the urged  to change the world. Some hold signs while others show their enthusiasm through cheers and smiles. Craig Kielburger, the co-founder of the noteworthy organization  Free the Children  starts a roar of excitement as we bang our feet together in a drum-roll of anticipation for the next We Day Launch Event speaker.                      As one of the millions affiliated with Free the Children, I have a passion to take action. I have a dream that someday we will all have access to clean water, education, and means of a steady income. I have gotten a lot of opportunities from this fantastic organization. I was invited to attend a camp where Disney filmed an anti-bullying PSA that I was in. I was given a mentor whom I talk to frequently. Now, I have been given the ability to be a Youth Spark reporter for We Day and the We Day Launch event.                     But, what is We

Connect Apple Keyboard to Kindle Fire

Hello all ! I blog/write to you on a Apple keyboard, yet it dispays on my Kindle. WHAT? Yes, it is true, and yes, it is possible. I wanted to be able to seamlessly type while I use my Kindle, but I didn't want to buy a new keyboard. So, I used the keyboard paired with our computer, and paired it with my kindle. But How? Good question. Let's get started. . First you have to disconnect your keyboard from your apple device.  This paring only works with bluetooth devices, so make sure there arre no cords attatched.  -To disconnect your keyboard open settings on your computer -Click on Bluetooth -You should see a list of devices connected wirelessly to your computer -Click the X to unpair the device -Your keyboard should no longer work on your computer Tip: to recconect, reopen settings and click on bluetooth again. If it is disconnected from the Kindle, it should pop up, and just click to pair! .After you've disconnected your keyboard from your computer, you

Put on a Happy Face

I was listening to the Broadway channel on our xm radio this fine morning when the song below came up. Skipping in a meadow of flowers is encouraged.

Vegan Chapstick

With cold weather comes great things, but it also causes chapped lips. Since I am vegan, it is quite hard to find affordable, $3 or below, chap-stick that I can buy. Fortunately I found Alaffia. Fair trade, vegan, tastes great. Awesome sauce.


Here in the Bay Area, our souls are being cleansed. We have wondrous glorious heavenly rain! Which means.....Hot cocoa and movies. So I shall list some of my favorites: -Bag it (about plastic bags and waste) -Connected (about how everything in this world is connected, and about our brains, the environment...It rocks) -Miss Representation (about how women in the media are sexually exploited, and objectified, and how horrible it is, and what you can do) -The Dark Side of Chocolate (about fair trade vs. free trade chocolate and its horrible child slavery) That's it for now. Happy viewing!


I betcha if you walked the hallways of any elementary school, or middle school for that matter you will hear a rendition of a song from Frozen. Spoiler Alert...Disney has finally given us a movie in which the girls save the day. I love the songs and plot, and find it fantastic that girls are learning to love themselves, and not just their boyfriends, like movies past. The next step is just to have the animators create bodies that are real, not skinny barbies. I highly recommend this movie, and it has a great soundtrack that makes you just want to "Let it Go."* *Fun fact...I love show-tunes, and Frozen, Tangled and Wicked are currently my favorite. Picture  source