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Showing posts from August, 2014

The Ice Bucket Challange

Maybe you have seen videos of your facebook friends  dumping ice water on their heads. Maybe you have heard people on the street talking of this elusive ice water challenge. Or perhaps you have been nominated yourself. The ice bucket challenge is where you dump ice water on your head to raise awareness and/or money for a terrible disease called ALS. The definition from A myotrophic l ateral s clerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease," is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body. The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually leads to their death. When the motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease may beco

First Day of High School

Tomorrow is going to be my first day of high school and I am oh so excited.  I am learning to live with balance  Recognize the signs of where to go in my life.  Love life and live it to the fullest.  Smile at the word   See art and beauty where you'd least expect it  Share my joys and ideas with the world. Marvel at the amazing place we live, and Yolo every moment. And sometimes, stick your tongue out and make silly faces at bad things, because you've got this. I hope you have the best first day ever!!!!


Love that word. Wonderfilled! Make this day a wonderfilled day! Byeeeee

Paris Pictures Part 3

These are part 3 of the pictures of my springtime adventure in Paris. You will cry, you will laugh, and you will be filled with a passion for expeditions! At the lavish palace!  A French garden  Chill baby, chill  This is a train station. It was packed!  It was a baby car!  We went on a bicycle tour of Versailles!  Voila! A chair! This glasswork was gorgeous!  Moi!  The queen herself!  A bud  A swan! The koi in this pond were once orange, but are now brown because of evolution!  Mating bugs!  Moooooo  It is a peacock \  Gorgeous  It is Iris, the goddess of rainbows!  Poseidon!  The Greek gods  So much detail! I leave you with a picture of an entrance, or an exit, your choice. Live your best life today! Enter joy stage right, exit hate stage left, take a bow, you deserve it. 

Love These Posters!

Throughout life I stubble upon posters, and these are some of my favorites! The first two are from Pinterest the rest are my own pictures.   I have seen t-shirts that say act like a lady, think like a boss, which doesn't make any sense. Why can't you just be yourself? Well, you can! I saw this poster at a fabulous camp I went to called Youth Empowered Action Camp ( )  As well as this one. The genderbread person shows how there is a huge spectrum of different genders and sexes. Not just two.  Amen  Tots! Also the most beautiful for anyone!  Amen  This is an ad for an amazing list of things to do before you are 11 and 3/4, or anytime really! I saw this add in London. (  This is true. Animals have feelings, just like humans. I saw this add in Seattle. I love love love love it! Because that is what marriages are for right? Love!

Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve/Cheek

Today I was honest. I set an intention everyday when I do yoga, and today it was to follow my dreams. A few days ago it was to be truthful. Today I was truthful and followed my dreams. I told someone I care for dearly my true feelings of hurt and in a long embrace and apology, they were dissolved into the overwhelming love we all posses. Emotions are so beautiful. Every single one. Wearing your heart on your sleeve may be just the cure in for a relationship in a funk. Be honest, truthful, and follow your dreams. I learned the importance of these things today, and wore my heart on my sleeve, and it was drawn on my cheeck. A reminder of the love that will find you at just the right time. All you have to do is be honest.