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Love These Posters!

Throughout life I stubble upon posters, and these are some of my favorites!
The first two are from Pinterest the rest are my own pictures. 
 I have seen t-shirts that say act like a lady, think like a boss, which doesn't make any sense. Why can't you just be yourself? Well, you can!

I saw this poster at a fabulous camp I went to called Youth Empowered Action Camp ( )
 As well as this one. The genderbread person shows how there is a huge spectrum of different genders and sexes. Not just two.

 Tots! Also the most beautiful for anyone!

 This is an ad for an amazing list of things to do before you are 11 and 3/4, or anytime really! I saw this add in London. (

 This is true. Animals have feelings, just like humans.
I saw this add in Seattle. I love love love love it! Because that is what marriages are for right? Love!


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