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Showing posts from January, 2015

Men AND Women Working

Hello lovelies! I am a very passionate feminist and I wanted to show you one of my most proudest activism feats: I didn't demolish the sign, just put of a friendly request.  There are little things we can do in our lives that make big changes. Putting these pieces of paper on this sign was small for me, but people probably read it, and it may have opened their minds. Saying hi to the new person is a small thing, but trust me, as a former new person, it helped me! What small (or big) thing can you do to make a difference? The possibilities are limitless. 

A Poem About Perfection

I wrote this poem in honor of my dear friend To the people who think I’m perfect No I’ve got cuts and bruises Embedded in my soul From self inflicted pain So deep that they throb when touched But they are healing They are healing I am strong I am vulnerable Two forms of human self expression I embrace Although sometimes not so well Perfect is blank It isn’t excitement, fear, or joy Perfect is candy I am a pomegranate Bursting with deep flavor And kernels of wisdom Perfect can seem nice at first But it will rot you Turn you against yourself Perfect isn’t I am

Videos Relating to "Beauty" Post

Hey Y'all.  Here are some videos relating to my last post on beauty. They are amazing.  Change the Way You Look At Women MisRepresentation Trailer


Everyone perceives beauty very different from each other. Some may see beauty as blond hair, blue eyes, and a great body. Some may see beauty as bikini clad girls, some may see beauty as a man who is sweaty with a six pack. Sounds familiar? I am describing magazines and popular media. The media tells us that beauty is flawless and perfect. It tells us standards to ascribe to that are practically impossible to obtain. Look at this video of a woman being photoshopped to look "perfect" When you google beauty, this is what comes up: Unattainable images of flawless skin and perfection. Why does our society strive for something so fake? As human beings we are bound to have some scars and some scratches and chubby parts. That is how we function.  In our culture beauty may be perceived as an unrealistic image of a perfect person, but in reality beauty can exist in the way someone shares a heartfelt story, opens themselves to be vulnerable, or how they smile. E