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Showing posts from March, 2015

Be Kind

             At my school there was recently some threatening graffiti about a school shooting. Many were alarmed including myself. I went home the day I found out. This was really upsetting for a lot of people and rightly so. Someone felt a need to express their anguish in a threatening way that freaked out a lot of people. I wanted to take this time to post about how important it is to be kind to everyone all the time. There is always something going on in someone’s life that may not be visible to an outsider. Secrets are being kept, emotions are being bottled, and feelings are being held inside hearts that are about to burst. Your teacher's mom may be dying, or your friend may have cancer. I am not trying to depress you lovelies, but the fact is that everyone is going through something, just like the person who wrote the graffiti, and a little kindness can go a long way.         Recently a girl in my class wrote me a note about how she appreciates who I am. I treasure that note


I Biology we recently had to do a project on dog evolution. YES! So I wrote an essay on Pitbulls. Enjoy. The well know phrase “a dog is a man [and woman’s] best friend” rings true. Throughout the ages humans have breed dogs to carry out tasks that perhaps wouldn’t have been possible without the dog’s help. Working hand and paw to hunt birds,  pull sleds, or be a companion, the dog is a marvelous creature that has gained numerous adaptations. If you know about dogs, you have probably heard about the notorious pitbull. These pups carry around a bad rap because of the quite recent negative media attention. So much hate has been surrounding these dogs that in some areas, owning a Pit is illegal. Before the mid-80s Pits were considered beloved by America. That was until “...dogfighting made a comeback in the 80s, and the pit bull is the dog of choice. It is also the preferred guard dog for drug dealers and gangs, with a hugely publicized attack in 1987 in which a pit bull gua

Page Views

Hello beauties! For some awesome reason I got over 900 views on my blog on the 19th. INSANE!!! I do not know how that happened, but thanks a bunch! I really appreciate all of you who read my blog and spread the sunshine. How great you are! Do not ever forget that. So here is a thank you picture! With my new hair and henna!

Hannahsprojectrainbow Is Three!!!

Holy Cannoli! (recipe for vegan cannolis) This blog is three!!!! WHAT? What a crazy awesome year this has been! To celebrate this fantastic day I invite you to: -Start your own blog (and tell me about it) -Dance around in a circle -Hi-5 some friends -Hug your family -Do some awesome activism -Take pictures with friends And with that I wish you the best St. Patrick's day ever!  The awesome dude in the picture is my good friend James. (Isn't his Mohawk awesome?)


Frustrated?  Feeling Wacky? Angry? If there is one thing I have learned this year is that it is definitely OK not to be OK. I have felt a wide range of emotions over this year and so I have learned that it is totally fine not to be happy all the time. That is for sure hard to accept sometimes, and when I do feel down I remind myself of all the things I am grateful for. (There is so much!) With that I am able to lift myself out of a funk sometimes, or make myself feel better. But those times when I am feeling a little gloomy I try to accept what I am feeling and acknowledge it, and then greet it with love and kindness. I learned this from a meditation on negative emotions from Ekhart yoga. I wanted to share that with you as my reason to remove the "happy" from "happy Hannah." Just as I have discovered this year, no one is always happy and that is ok. In the moments that I am feeling exuberant I pretend to fill up my batteries and when I am not so jo

My Unicycling Preformance

As I have mentioned before I unicycle. I love to preform and this is my performance from my talent show this year. 

An Awesome Quote

Hello. I want to share a meaningful quote with you. I have a lot of quotes posted on my wall next to my bed so that I can wake up and read inspiring words. Perhaps you will enjoy this quote and decide to print it out and hang it by your bed as well! “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety. Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on the yesterdays.” ―  Ralph Waldo Emerson ,  Collected Poems and Translations

Cool Stuff From the Interwebs

This guy is so funny! He made me laugh in history class. :) I love this version of this song as well as the whole group. They change up songs into different styles than how they were originally recorded.  It is simply superb.