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Showing posts from August, 2015

India Part 2

On the way there and back we took a really small (50ish people) plane to and from Udipur from New Dehli. It was a short flight, about 2 hours and it was fun. After getting off the flight, we took three vans to the city. On the way there we saw cows and cool painted houses. In the city we ate lunch at this magnificent place. Right after I took this picture I got off the bus and two young women, about my age talked to me in hindi and pointed and laughed at my hair. I waved back. For them, my cultural facilitator said, it is really odd to see a pink haired girl. Many people told me that. This was the view from the window of our bus. Our accommodations were really nice. You can even see the TV in the background. I was happy. They gave us bindis and malas, or the flower necklaces. They had a wonderful welcoming ceremony which consisted of drums being banged and singing We saw monkeys! After a nice sleep after a sleepless few days, I got dresse